Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1755

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cclxxu INDEX. . Vessels, P¤B¤· Vicksburg, Mies., Natiomzl Oenwtery, Pmduty on,·irou . ... 26 right of waygranteel over road to. -_ 926 cylindrical or tubular, for gas, liquids, Vabksburg Nqtwmzl Mzhtary Pqrk, Mus., _ ‘ em __,, . , __,___,_,,_,, . ..__ _ ___,__ 26 appmpgigtion for connnugng estabhshon free list, adhesive sheathing felt for . 75 ment of ..._,,__ _ . 7 25, 1401 platinum, for chemical uses ...,__,_ 78 for memorial to Union Navy 725 abandoned merchandise from sunken, in Victoria, Tex., _ _ _ American waters, may be brought in appropriation for public bu11ding .. 1383 frog of duty __,__,____. , ...___,,,,.. 88 terms of court at . . 1127 drawbacks allowed on imported materials Vkws of United States Scenery, etc., used in building, for foreign ac- duty on lithographically printed postcards count - 90 of, etc . _ ... _ 64 foreign war, may purchase sugglies free of former rate effectwe until October 1, tax, from bonded, and nded mam- - 1909, on previous orders . 64 ufacturing warehouses ... . - 88 Wnalhaven, Me., maritime lien allowed on foreign or domes preliminary examination to be made of tic, for repairs, supplies, etc ... - 604 Carvers Harbor . 953 materials for construction, etc., of, in for- Wmgar, eign trade, admitted free in bond.- - 88 · duty on ... - .. 39 ‘ restriction on coastwise trade .. . . . . - 88 Wncs, if for foreign account, not allowed in duty on, nursery or greenhouse stock . 37 cciastwise Tide . - 88 Vinita, Okla., specml' icenses or an unlad' terms of court at .. . .., 1122 cargo at night .. ... {I? 899 Violin Roslin, preliminary entry to boarding officer, oath, duty on .,.,., 70 etc ... 900 Wrg·in·ia, lading and tmlading allowed on arrival., 900 appropriation for improvement of waterboud required; licenses and permits ,. 900 ways on coast of ... 640 extra pay to inspectors, etc., for night assigned to fourth 'udicial circuit . 1131` work . 901 Virginia Eastern Ju4}1bmlDiatr1Zct, boarding officers allowed extra for services counties composing ,,...,,.., 1128 at Bight, etc ... 901 terms of court ,_,,,,.,,___ , __,_,______ 1128 wirele$·telegra_ph apparatus required on Virgimh Iron, Coal and Coke Company, oceanjgoing steam . 629 may dam New River, near Foster Falls, Va. 921 Vessels, American (see also American Ves- “Virgim1z," U. S. S., selp), appropriation for repairs . ... . 1280 on free hat, coal stores for; not to be un- Wrgmia Western Judbmhl District, loaded .. . . . .; .. 74 counties composing .. 1128 Vessels, Fvmsm (sec Foreign Vessels). terms of court . . 1128 Vessels in River and Harbor Work, Wtriol, Blue, ‘ deficiency appropriation for paying claims duty on __,, . ..,, , ,,,,,,,_,____,,,,,,___ 12 for damagegby 1301 Vladivostok, Siberia, damages from collisions by, to be paid for; appropriation for interpreter at consulumt ,.,., . ...,,,, 676 hw ,,,,.,,,__ , ,,,________,_____ 346 1035 V¤8¢l·9,_ NWN, _ _ _ _ Voluntary Bankruptcy, ’ deficiency approprumon for paying claims persons entitled m __,_,,_ , ,______________ 839 foajdamages from collisions with 1302 municipal, railroad, insurance, or bank- Vwek ¤<>¢ m T~d¢_(w¢ Yachts)- mg corporations exce md . ass Vessels %` the United States (see American Volunteer Sold·iers’ Ho1rw(see §ational Home essels). for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers). V3"; 0.. mb be 48 V°’“"’“"’ { u_y c<> , -..--·--·.. so ro riation or back , bount and Wtermemqnq, Army, _ pp lbommutation of mgtgixs ... ’.. 736,1413 appropriation for pay;_longev1ty . . . 249, 1042 for arrears of pay, war with Spain, etc. 737, 1413 Wah r¢¤r¤¤¤<>¤¢ wthvnzed ·------····.~.-- - 1042 deficiegcy appropriation for refund to dvtly 011. $989, devmwd, etc- --····------ 19 for pet; cw-jgreegloes :ridmVl7Sa1:\§ingwn:.i202z(o9 8 365, P 1¤ -·--·----·-·----·---- . ... 19 . ’ V@¢·P"”id*?"%’ °f‘h¢U”Wd ·$'f¤¥¢$, claim of Oregon for raising etc 18%%,51209,813 appropriation for compensation ... 482, 1184 186.5, to be rg0p€ngd_i ____ `_’ _____ .777 ¤1‘_86Cf¤t¤·1'Y» !11¢§P{¤8€f, ctc --·-- . . . . 468, 1170 date of muster of, decision of Dgpartméhi; · deiimency axroprmtion for purchase, etc., as my coucmsive _____ _ _________ _ 324 , mmm 1l°,f°’ ·-··· ; ---·-·----··- 127, 217 wm Steuben, General Baron, ° ` dunes ofnextending Capitol Grounds to aptpropriation for unveiling, em., statue of. 728 I:'m°D Stamm ·····-·-~·····- _ - ·_ -··-- 738 0i' T6 HG2. Of, for preseutatign to German to appomt yhree Senators on commnssnon to ]£)mpem; ______ _ _ 886 Mexman centennial celebration 882 replica of authorized two Senators on comnaission to investi· Gcémmy __________ 605 xprgopioyigézabdnty and work- 884 Vzalcanized Ima: Rubber, ``````°'` P “‘P° “ ·—····-···~·--~ ut on manufactures of u tspgcigll V·¢*»·b~*v·. Mw-» . . . Y vided or -?- Y P"` m ap pmmon for public bmldmg- ..,.,,,., 1383 ‘ °’' ‘ ‘ enmement of public building at, author- W. wed -----····-·--·-------·-· 679 Wszmz NW2, 1), gg, terms of court at .. 1116 deicieney appropriation gm- Qxtmdjng ____ 784