Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1037

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s1XTY.F1Rs*r coseunss. sm. 111. Cns.194-197. 1911, 1013 military reservation to the southeast corner thereof; thence northwesterly on the southwesterly boundary line of said military reservation to a. point which is one undred and fifty feet west of the east line of sand reservation when measured at right angles thereto; thence north on a line one hundred and fifty feet west of and arallel with the easterly boundary line of said reservation to the nortlh line of the northwest quarter of said section one; thence east one hundred and fifty feet along the north line of said section one, to the place of beginning, said stri of land being one hundred and fifty feet in width on · the east side ol) that portion of said reservation situated in section one, township thirteen north, range sixty-seven west, as aforesaid; saving and excepting therefrom that portion of said strip of land hereinabove, in section one of this Act, described as granted to the Colorado Railroad Company for the purpose of its railroad. Approved, March 2, 1911 CHAP. 195.-An Act To restrain the Secrets? of the Treasury from receiving M•'°h 2- mlbonds issued to provide money for the building 0 the Panama Canal as security for the issue of circulating notes to national banks, and for other purposes. [Public, No. 444.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R ecentatives of the United States of Amemkza in Congress assembled, mt the Secretary of the ,w¤;g;_¤¤¤¤ °·¤¤* Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to insert in the bonds to be Not recexvam for issued by him under section thirtymine of an Act entitled “An Act to §,§§],'{‘1°"‘“* °"°“` rovide revenue, equalize duties, and encourage the industries of the _ ·*”‘°· P- I"- United States, and for other purposes," approved August fifth, nineteen hundred and nine, a provision that such bonds shall not be receivable by the Treasurer of the United States as security for the issue of circulating notes to national banks; and the bonds containing such provision sha 1 not be receivable for that purpose. Approved, March 2, 1911. CHAP. 196.-An Act To authorize the county of Ouachita, in the State of Arkan- March 2.1911. ns, to construct a bridge across Ouachita River. [S- 10682-l bile, . 4 . Be it enacted by the Senate and Houeeqflfeprecerzlatives of the United [Pu No 4 5] States af America in Oongreas assembled, That the county of Ouachita, ggggmge Riyam in the State of Arkansas, be, and is hereby, authorized to construct, Ark., ma; smilge, iii maintain, and operate a traffic bridge and approaches thereto across °‘§‘,3§j“,;_ m,_ the Ouachita River at Camden, Arkansas, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "Au Act to regulate the construction of a V•>l·¤>‘·*»v·84· bridge over navigable waters,” approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A¤¤¢¤d¤¤¤¤¤- expressly reserved. Approved, March 2, 1911. CHAP. 197.-An Act To lix the time of holding the circuit and district courts for March 2, 1911. the northern district of West Virginia. (H- R- 28215-1 blic, No. 446. Be it enacted by the Senate and HauseqfRej>rese1ztativea of t/ee United [Pu 1 States of America in Lbngreae assembled, That so much of the Act ,,,,l,l,§§,i.,Y,.ii2i',};I§i£ of Copgress approved February eleventh, nineteen hundred and seven, "*°'~ entitl "An Act to fix the time of holding the circuit and district courts for the northern district of West V1rginia," as relates to the time of holding the regular terms of the circuit and district courts of the United States for the northern district of West Virginia, be amended so as to read as follows: 88740°—-von 36, rr 1—ll—-66