Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1036

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1012 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 193, 194. 1911. 8********* R”“"°Y laws of the State of Wyoming, be, and the same is hereby, em owerecl iililntildgiliizlgodpvilii to survey, locate, construct, maintain, and operate railway, telbgrhaiph, °h'°“”h‘ telephone, electric power, and trolley hnes through the Fort ackenzie Military Reservation, in Sheri an County, State of Wyoming, upon such terms and in such location as may be determined and approved b the Secretary of War. _ Wim" “°‘ Sec. 2. 'Iyhat said corporation IS authorized to occupy and use for all u oses of railway, telegraph, telephone, electric Epwer, and trollieyrllines, and for no other purpose, a right of way ty feet in width through said Fort Mackenzie Military Reservation, with the right to use such additional ground where cuts and fills may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of the roadbed, not' exceeding one hundred feet in width, or as much thereof as may he §Q‘{,"{,,g‘,‘;,c,,d_ included in said cut or fill: Provided, That no part of the land herein authorized to be occupied shall be used except in such manner and for such purposes as shall be necessary for the construction and convenient operation of said railway, telegraph, telephone, electric power, and trolley lines; and when any portion thereof shall cease to be so used such portion shall revert to the United States: Provided

  • ”"°"'°"°°‘"°"‘ further, That before the said railway company shall be permitted to

enter upon any (part of said military reservation a description by metes and boun s of the land herein authorized to be occupied or used shall be approved by the Secretary of War: Promk1edji1.rther, ,e2_$’§g,",§“,,,,’°§,,Y'l‘“ That the said raillway company shall comply with such other regulations and conditions in the maintenance and operation of said road as may from time to time be prescribed by the Secretary of War.

  • "‘°“‘*“‘°“'· Sec. The réglht to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

express y reserv . Approved, March 2, 1911. N¤E§h9gigU· 194.—:~\n Act Granting certain rights of wig on the Fort D. A. Russell

 Military Reservation at Cheyenne, Wyoming, for railr and county-road purposes,

Be tlwSenateandH0·use of Representa¢¢}veaqf the United 11;:)g{¤¤;sf‘;j·;g6_c“ State.; of America m_O0n.greac assembled, That the Colorado Railroad wp. Company, a corporation created by and organized under the laws of

 B‘"‘ the State of Colorado, and authorized to do business in the States of

Colorado and Wyoming, is hereby authorized to build its line of railroad on the fol owing-described portion of the Fort D. A. Russell Military Reservation, to-wit: 1·¤<>¤¤¤¤· Beginning at a point bn the east boundary line of the military reservation, said point being the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section one, township thirteen north, range sixty-seven west; thence south along the east boundary line of militarv reservation two thousand three hundred and ninety feet to a poiiit; thence north nine degrees, twenty-one minutes west, three hundred forty- four and three-tenths feet to a point which is fifty-six feet west of the east line of said military reservation; thence north one degree, gzur minutes east, two thousand and fifty-tive feet to the place of inning. w;g_1··¤¤¤i¤G<>¤¤¤v. _ gmc. 2. That a right of way for a county road for use of the public rei- county ma. is hereby granted to the County of Laramie, a municipal co ration of the State of Wyoming, upon the following portion of Itli; Fort D. Russell Military Reservation at Cheyenne, Wvoming more mmm particularlydescribed as follows: ° ’ “· pommencing at a point on the east line of said military reservation, S81d· point being the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section one, township thirteen north, range sixty-seven west of the sixth principal meri ian; thence south along the said east line of said