Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/343

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 200. 1908. 325 and travelers upon railroads," approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and to execute and enforce the requirements of the said Act, including the em loyment of inspectors, one hundred thousand dollars. Hereafter allpinspectors employed for the enforce- Remus of inspectment of said Act shall also be required to make examination of the °"` construction, adaptability, design, and condition of all mail cars used on any railroad in the United States and make report thereon, a copy of which report shall be transmitted to the Postmaster-General. . Hereafter the Interstate Commerce Commission shall be, and is, m§g‘”)’j¤°{,g:;;>g,;* hereby authorized, at its discretion, to investigate, test experimentally, Pp' _ and report on the use and need of any appliances or systems intended to promote the safety of railway operation which may be furnished in completed shape to such Commission for such investigation and test entirely free of cost to the Government. For this purpose the Commission is authorized to employ persons familiar with the subject to be investigated and tested, and may also make use of its regular employees for such he unexpended ance of the appropriation to enable the Inter- bl1¤kv¤¤3£¤;g¤ Of state Commerce Commission to investigate in regard to the use and idqililioprmsou`. necessity for block-signal systems and appliances for the automatic V°‘·"·¥’·mz control of railway trains, including ex rimental tests, at the discretion of the Commission, of such of saidxhignal systems and appliances only as may be furnished in connection with such investigation, free of cost to the Government in accordance with the provisions of the {pint resolution approved Jlune thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, is V°*·“‘·P·““* ereby reappropriated and made available for expenditure during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine., for the purposes named 1D this and the preceding paragraph. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Mi¤<=°“•¤°°°°· PA1·Ea Fon INTERNAL-REVENUE STAMPS: For a r for internal- P¤r>¢*¤¤d >'·*¤¤P¤· revenue stamps, including freight, eighty thousand) clhdlars. After June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, collectors of f[}}‘°,,',§§{‘Q§§§Q‘{§·b, internal revenue shall y daily into the Treasury of the United States, mid déilr w Trew under instructions of th; Secretary of the Treasury, the gross amounts my' of all collections of whatever nature, made by authority of law, and ` the same shall be covered into the Treasury as internahrevenue . collections. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to refund money covered "°"""""°“°"· into Treasury as internal-revenue collections which under authority of law has heretofore been refunded or returned, thirty thousand dollars. For miscellaneous ex enses, internatrevenue service, additional to Gd¤i¤¤¤¤;f¤;·:** the sum appropriated therefor in the legislative, executive, and judi- °°A$.}mlllf>v,p° ' cial appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, fifteen thousand dollars. Collectors of internal revenue shall render their revenue accounts b°'·lm“f{jf'>"°*“””‘° quarterly. PUNISHMENT Fon VIOLATIONS or INTERNAL-REVENUE LAWS! For ,,£;*j)*g*gj1Qgm;,{!*;l,; detecting and bringing to trial and punishment, persons guilty of mieiaws violating the internal-revenue laws or conniving at the same, including (payments for information and detection of such violations, one hun red and twenty-five thousand dollars; and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall make a detailed statement to Congress once in each year as to how he has expended this sum, and also a detailed statement of all miscellaneous expenditures in the Bureau of Internal Revenue for which appropriation is made in this Act. _ TBANsPoBTAT1ox or m:AoT1oxAL srnvnn com: For transportation ugngpgpggggsinrm of fractional silver coin, by registered mail or otherwise, sixty thou— ‘ sand dollars; and in expanding this sum the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or subtreas·