Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/342

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324 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 200. .1908. Astrophysical Asrrzornrsrcar. Onsmavxronrz For maintenance of Astrophysical °°“°""°”‘ Observatory, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, includin salaries of assistants, the purchase of necessary books and (period- _ ict5s, ap ratus, making necessary observations in high altrtu es, repairs andnlrlterations of buildings and miscellaneous expenses, thirteen thousand dollars. _ N¤¤<>¤¤1M¤¤¤¤¤¤· Nxnoiun Museum: For cases, furniture, fixtures, and appliances C”°°'f°mim°’°°°` required for the exhibition and safe·keeping- of the collections of the National Museum, includin salaries or compensation of all necessary em loyees, fifty thousand dollars, _ ~_ ncitingm. cu-. I·Por expense of heating, lighting, electrical, telegraph1c, and telephonic service for the National Museum, twenty-two thousand dollars. P¤:·:¤ervi¤z.¤¢¤·.c¤1- For continuing the preservation, exhibition, and increase of the coll°°"°"”‘ lections from the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Govemment, and from other sources, inc uding salaries or compensation of all necessar·y employees, and all other necessary expenses one hundred and ninety thousand dollars, of which sum five thousand five hundred dollars ma be used for necessary drawings and illustrations for pub- - lications og the National Museum. Books, ctc.For purchase of books, pamphlets, and periodicals for reference in . the National Museum, two thousand dollars. R¢r>¤*¤~ For repairs to buildings shops, and sheds, National Museum, includ- ’ i all necessary labor and material, fifteen thousand dollars. 1*****- Bibi- rent of workshops and temporary storage quarters for the · National Museum, four thousand five hundred and eighty dollars. ‘ P****¤°· For postxge stamps and foreign postal cards for the rational Museum, five hundredollars. Pg`§§Y‘°““‘ ’°°‘°"‘°“‘ Nnromu. Zoonocxcn. Pxnx: For- continuing the construction of roads, walks, bridges, water supply, seweragle, and drainage; and for grading, planting, and otherwise improving the grounds; erecting and repairing buildings and inelosures; care, subsistence, purchase, and transportation of animals; including salaries or compensation of all necessarv employees, and general incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, including purchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles required for official purposes, ninety-five thousand dollars; mgglfwgwm ¤i·¢¤¤* one half of which sum shall befpaid from the revenues of the District ' of Columbia and the other half rom the Treasury of the United States. m{:_{_*g(j,,j,·;,g;;,_g,*{¤· m·rr·:rzs·r.e·r·r·: co1um·:iuvr·: commission. ,|.i§‘fL',¥,.T°“ °N`°"'""" For salaries of seven Commissioners, at ten thousand dollars each, seventy thousand dollars.

  • ""””""*'· For salary of secretary. five thousand dollars.

E"*`°"””‘ For all other authorized expenditures, necessary in the execution of laws to regulate commerce. seven hundred thousand dollars, of which sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars may be expended in the "°¤¤¤°'· employment of counsel. and not exceeding three thousand dollars may be expended for the purchase of necessary books, reports, and periodica s, and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars may be expe(r;<Apd for printing other than that done at the Government Printin ce. ,,,§*},§$’Q‘,§‘{",,,j}{Qf°""" glo further enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce \’<·l·3*-v-59*-*- compliance with section twenty of the Act to regulate commerce as amended by the Act approved June twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and six, including the employment of necessary special agents or _ _ _ examiners, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ...§hi'Z{}3LT§}§}.Q£ ’“"° To carry out the objects of the ··At—t concerning carriers engaged Y··l· 3** P- 4**- in interstate commerce and their employees.," a proved June first, milwm, mm aP_ eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, ten thousand dhllars. plpqcgg 531To enable the interstate Commerce Commission to keep informed °" "‘ *" ‘ regarding compliance with the "Act to promote the safety of employees