Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/143

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 163, 164. 1908. _ 125 and medals herein authorized shall be contested for only by omcers below the rank of major and by enlisted men of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the National Guard or organized militia of the several States Territories, and of the District of Columbia. _ . For range finders and other instruments for fire control in iield bat- b,f§;fg,g”°'°lf°’““‘d teries, one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars. , ' For the purchase of material, equipment, books of instruction, c0§$§,§{fg,1{°’ SWB range finders, and fire-control equipment for the instruction and use ' of State coast artillery organizations, twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That in time of war, or threatened war, such equipment m um 0, may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be withdrawn from WM- armories or other places where it is in use by the State coast artillery Organizations, and may be used in the fortifications of the United States. Sales of articles of ordnance pro rty are authorized to educational $,*2}:,;** gt;d““¤°*= ` institutions and State soldiers’ aud)€sailors’ o hans’ homes for main- y' ` taining the ordnance and ordnance stores issudd to them. _ For the reimbursement of the Ordnance Department of the Army i.,$"""°’°S°"l S""` on account of the loss of arms, ammunition, and equipments issued to the I’ost—Oiiice Department, two hundred and three dollars and thirty- seven cents. Whenever proposals are invited for the furnishing of articles of S°°°m*°°’°h”°°‘ ordnance roperty, thecharacter of which or the ingredients thereof are of sudh a nature that the interests of the public servicelwould be injured by publicly divulging them, the Chiefp of Ordnance 18 authorized to purchase such articles in such manner as he may deem most .. econonucal and emcient. · * For the construction of a suitable fence, of iron or steel about the Mf,¥{_H°l°’““‘°”°‘d· monument erected in eighteen hundred and eighty-three on the Big °fPr¤¤¤rv¤¤<>¤. ew-. Hole Battlefield, State of Montana, for the transportation and other m°°°"'°°°` necessary expenses in inclosing and restoring the monument, and for the preservation of the same, twelve hun red dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary. F d V For the construction at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, of the necessary Mei? B"'" ‘ ‘ ' quarters for officers and suitable building for quarters for Army _¤%“g;$_*°' °“*°°"” nurses, two hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred dollars. Approved, May 11, 1908. CHAP. 164.-An Act To increase the membership of the Philippine Commission May 11, 1906. by one member, and for other purposes. __fl;*§j§l€;]_i [mule, Ne. us. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentatéves of the United . . States of America in Oorawess assembled, Phwat the number of Com- .1dliiuip°in°c°mmi* missioners constituting the Philippine Commission is hereby increased ,,,#f,§’§}’,‘fQQd¥‘°"b°' by one additional member, making the Commission consist of nine Vol- 32. 1>· 691- members. Said additional member shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall receive the same salary and emoluments as is now, or may hereafter, be prescribed by law. Sec. 2. That the President is hereby authorized in his discretion to ,;;l,‘§f,',,§‘M{§§_ °°` create b Executive order, and name, a new executive department in the Philippine government, and to embrace therein such existing bureaus as he may designate in the order; and in his appointment of any commission member he shall specify in his message to the Senate the department, if any, of which the appointee shall be the secretary. Approved, May 11, 1908. 80893-voL 35, rr 1-09—·l0