Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/142

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124 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 163. ‘1908. mgQ_¤•¤°° D°P•'*· onrmsscn nnnnrunur. ¢¤¤¤¤¤•¤v¤¤¤¤- OBDNANCM suzvrom: For the current expenses of the Ordnance Department, in connection with purchasing, receiving, storing, and issuing ordnance and ordnance stores, comprising police_ and office ' duties, rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, and advertising. stationery, and office furniture, tools, and instruments ‘for serv1ce; for incidental ex uses of the ordnance service and those attending pract1cal trials ande tests of ordnance, small arms, and other ordnance stores; and for blications for libraries of the Ordnance Department. including the $]·dr¥a.n;:e$ce, and Eayuilentdforglmlpchanipiall sipor in the office of the Cna cc t ree un re thousand dollars. t ·“"““““’°" ‘° “Oizntiuscn STl:)BIl1S——AMMUNlTIONZ Manufacture of ammunition and smallarms, etc. . - _ _ materials therefor for small arms for reserve supply; ammunition for ggialsbat the Nationag Sc§d1ers;bHome in Wlgapihrngtou, Distrpctpf um ia; ammunition or ring emormnga evenmgguna m1 1- tary posts prescribed by General Orders, Numbered Seventy, Headquarters of the Army dated July twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and at ational Home for Disabled Volunteer_Sold1ers and its several Branches, including National Soldiers’ Home rn Washington, District of Columbia, and Soldiers’ and Sai1ors’ State Homes, ` six hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars. T¤‘¤·* P¤¤**°°· SMALbARMSm1L`.;BGET r1n(;rr1or·:1uAmmunition,ttarge:;s, anddothe: acries for s l—arms an mac `ne-gun tar e prac ice an IDS ruetion; marksmen’s medals, prize arms, and insignia for all arms of the service; and ammunition of older than current models may he issued for target practice and instruction to the educational institutions and State bOld1Bl‘S, and Sailors’ Orphaus’ Homes to which issues of small arms are lawfully made, one million three hunId_redththousand dollars.

 Frnrn anrrrmznr mon oaonuzuo urmrra: or _ epurpose of procuring field-artillery material for the organized militia of the several

States Territories and the District of Columbia, without cost to the 1 9 _ - said States, Tplrngorieg cér the Diatrict of Columtl;p,fbut_ to rgemain the roperty of the nite tutes an to be accouu or in the manner how prescribed by law, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized,

  • under such regulations as he may prescribe, on the requisitions of the

In of vm1mm__ governors of the several States and Terr1tor1es_or the commanding mm iunwuma. eueral of the militia of the District of Columbia, to issue said arti - · Er material to the organized militia; and the sum of five hundred nmmumeny um- annlfifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated and made immedi- •""· _ ately available until plxpended for the procurement and issue of the articles constituting the same. ` “£*j_g:¤·<=*“'*¤¤· Mauuracruxn or ARMS! For manufacturing, repairing, procuring, "ang issuing aruils ati the nztltionalharngorips, plngfmil iop) ssvpuhuudred an seventy-cig t thousand one un re an ty-eig t 0 lars. °¥g;:yc;**¤¤· °'°·· Onnmauom storms AND SUPPLIESZ For overhauling, cleaning, repair- ° ing, and preserving ordnance and ordnance stores in the hands of troops and at the arsenals, posts, and depots; for purchaseand manufacture Equipments. of ordnance stores to till requisitions of troops; for infantry, cavalry, andlprtillcry eqxuipgnegtsil includfréglporse equipments for cavalry and _ arti ery nine un re thousand dollars. ,§‘,[,‘j;’_f;j';},°;f;_ ,,,,.1 Nynoiui. rnornr Ann Msmrs ron umn coirrrzsrs: That for the rmrvhv- purpose of furnishing a national trophy and medals and other prizes to be provided and contlpsted for annually, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of ar said contest to be open to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the National Guard or organized militia of the several States, Territories, and of the District of Columbia, and for the cost of the trophy, prizes,_ and medals herein rovided for, and for the promotion o ride practice, to be expended _ for the purposes hereinbefore rescribed under the direction of the """""·,,,,_ Secretary o War, five thousand) dollars: Provided, That the tro h mmm P Y