Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/282

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252 ru··rY-N1Nrrr coxcnmss. sm. 1. cu. ams. woe. of War, be paid to any civil officer or citizen for such seryices and expenses; for a donation of five dollars to each dishonorably discharged prisoner upon his release from confinement, under court-martial sen- H¤¤¤¤v¤¤d*¤¤¤‘¢¤- tence, involving dishonorablel discharge; fpr the]follolyyirggtpxpendri tures re uired for the severa re iments o` cava ry, the a cries o` light argllery, and such companigs of infantry and scouts as may be mounted, the authorized number of officers’ horses, and for the trains, to wit: Hire of veterinary surgeons, purchase of medicines for horses and mules, picket ro s, blacksrnith’s tools and materials, horseshoes and blacksmith’s toolisiefor the cavalry service, and for the shoeing of horses and mules, and such additional expenditures as are necessary and authorized by law in the movements and operations of the Army, and at military posts, and not expressly assigned to any other depart- =i*¤¢>¤¤¢· ment, one million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ii°’”°**· °i°· HORSES Fon CAVALRY, ARTILLERY, AND ENGINEERS: For the purchase of horses for the cavalry, artillery, and engineers, and for the Indian scouts, and for such infantry and members of the Hospital Corps in field campaigns as ma be re uired to be mounted, and the expenses P*’"’i*°· incident thereto, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Prw·/ded, Limit- That the number of horses purchased under this appropriation, added to the number now vn hand, shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, and, unless otherwise ordered by the Secretary of War, no rt of this appropriation shall be paid out for horses not purchasedxby contract after competition duly invited by the Quarter- _ master’s Department and an inspection under the direction and authority

 °P°'* of the Secretary of War. When practicable, horses shall be purchased

in the open market at all grilitariy [éqsts or statiovns when needed, at a maximum rice to be iixe by the cretary of ar. ,,,$3,°‘;,‘§“`i}.—'?,§.’§1i}`(@}’?,' THB SBCIEWYY of War is authorized, in his discretion, to permit; the Mom. i Eepargmenlt of Atgriculturle to use for} tllre pprpoges oiapi experimcental orse- ree ing s tion suc rtion 0 the ort eo i. i itar r eservation, in Montana, as mayprfot, in his opinion, be iiequired for military purposes. ,,,’,},°}""""“"“" ‘*“’"‘ BARHACKS AND ocsmmzsz For barracks and quarters for troops, ~ storehouses for the safe-keeping of military stores, for offices, recruiting stations, to provide such furniture for the public rooms of officers’ messes at military posts as may be approved by the Secretary of War, and for the hire of buildings and grounds for summer cantonments, and for temporary buildings at frontier stations, for the construction of temporary buildings and stables, and for repairing public buildings at established posts, including the extra-duty pay of enlisted men Keglxjitatinn of employed on the same: P:·mw/wl, That no part ot the moneys so approrot-1, em. prrated shall be paid for commutation of fuel or for quarters to ollieers Vivilimn ··rnr>l•»yc•··¤. or enlisted men: [)7‘{lI’{·(Zl’fi fer/*fh¢*1*, That the 11k1I11b0I' of and total Slllll paid for civilian eruployees in the Quarterniastefs Department, including those paid from the funds appropriated for regular supplies, inci- · dental expenses, barracks and quarters, army transportation, clothing, cspqp and garris<>ride<pr;iI;age, shalll be limiteid tp thqactuailreiiuirenients o e service, an a no em ovee ai tiere roms al receive a salary of more than one hundrigid land fifty dollars per month, except upon the approval of the Secretary of lVar, three million one hundred ,,,j(;ij_ii)m;i¤i i=`·¤‘i» iiligty t pulsand dlpllars: ]’rogi¢Ied é*in·z‘Ler, That the Secretary of ar e, an e is ereby, authorize , in his discretion to use not more than three hundred thousand dollars of the sum set apart for “*i· 3*% P— **6- barracks and quarters in the Act of appropriation for the su port of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, in the acquisition by purchase of not less than three hundred F·~*¤*~¤¤ ¤<··¤¤¤<>¤· and ten acres of land adjoining the military reservation at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, at a cost not exceeding one hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars; and in the acquisition by purchase of not less than