Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/281

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F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3078. 1906. 25l Department shall be expended on printing unless the same shall be done by contract after due notice and competition, except in such cases as the emergency will not admit of the giving notice of competition, and in cases where it is impracticable to have the necessary printing done by contract the same may be done, with the approval of the Secretar of Wa1·, by the hire of the necessar labor for the dpurpose. Elbr the fiscal year endin June thirtieth, nineteen d ke mncnlines. launhun red and seven, whenever the ice maciines, steam laundries, and piliilis, an °l°(m°’ electric plants shall not come in competition with private enterprise for sale to the public, and in the opinion of the Secretary of iVar it becomes necessary to the economical use and administration of such ice machines, steam lau ndries, and electric plants as have been or may hereafter be established in pursuance of law, surplus ice may be dis- Disposal of surplus posed of, laundry work ma be done for other branches of the Govern- p'°d°°”’ °°°' ment, and surplus electric hght and power may be sold on such terms and in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Wa1·: Przmided, That the funds received from such sales We of pmcwls. and in payment for such laundry work shall be used to defray the cost of operation of said ice, laundr *, and electric plants; and the sales and expenditures herein provided flor shall be accounted for in accordance with the methods prescribed by law, and any suntr remainin , after such cost of maintenance and o ration have been defrayed, giall be deposited in the Treasury to th; credit of the appropriation from which the cost of operation of such plant is paid. For the purchase of the necessary instruments, office furniture, mm;P¤¤¤* 0* 1*0** stationery, and other authorized articles re uired for the equipment ` and use of the officers’ schools at the severarl military posts, nine thousand seven hundred and forty-two dollars and twenty-six cents. Ixomnntran Exrmnsnsz Postage; cost of telegrams on official busi- pef,Q;f‘*°“‘“l 6* ness received and sent by officers of the Army; extra pay to soldiers employed on extra duty, under the direction of the Quartermaster’s Department, in the erection of barracks, quarters, and storehouses, in the construction of roads and other constant labor for periods of not less than ten days, and as clerks for post quartermasters at military posts, and for prison overseers at posts designated by the War Department for the confinement of general prisoners; for exipenses ot expresses to and from frontier posts and armies in the iiel , of escorts to paymasters and other disbursing officers, and to trains where military escorts can not be furnished; expenses of the interment of officers killed in action or who die when on duty in the field, or at military posts or on the frontiers, or when traveling under orders, and of noncommissioned officers and soldiers; and in all cases where such expenses would have been lawful claims against the Government, reim ursement may be made of expenses heretofore or hereafter incurred by individuals of burial and transportation of remains of officers, including acting assistant surgeons, not to exceed the amount now allowed in the cases of officers, and for the reimbursement in the cases of enlisted men not exceeding the amount now allowed in their cases, may be paid out of the roper funds appropriated by this Act, and the disbursing officers shall) be credited with such reimbursement heretofore made; but hereafter no reimbursement shall be made of such expenses incurred prior to the twenty-first day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; authorized office furniture, hire o laborers in the Quartermaster’s Department, including the hire of interpreters, spies, or guides for the Army; compensation of clerks and other employees to the officers of the Quartermastefs Department, and incidental expenses of recruiting; for the apprehension, securing, and delivering of deserters, including escaped military prisoners, and the expenses incident to their pursuit, and no greater sum than iiftv dollars for each deserter or escaped military prisoner shall, in the discretion of the Secretary