Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1451

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munx. , lxxvii Kansas (gig, Northeastern and Gulf Railway Page- Keolsuls and Hggltgn Uintah Power Company, P¤8€· ompan, ti e .t 0 b 1 da , time exfendexy for bridge across Missouri giigggsippi1§iv¢;·{-T?.--f?.TT?T 56 Rnver, Par}:v1lle, M0., by . 169 may dam, etc., Mississippi River, Des Kama; C[[y’£’q;k4·4ZZg qnd ,$qinL Joseph Elec- ]\[()in3s Rapids _________ _ _,_,,____ 712 tric ai way ompany, operation of lock, dry dock, etc . 713 time extended for bridge across Missouri Kcokuk, Iowa, River, Kansas City, by 152 dum, etc., authorized across Mississippi Kansas Indiqnx, Okla., River to Hamilton, .111., from .. 712 gpproprifmon for support, etc., of ..,.. 203, 132; Kerby, William M., ee-simp c patents to certain . ---- 1 payment: of Court of Claims judgmenta to Kansas or Kupu Lzdiam, Widow of --·----------~----·---—·- 779 appropriation for expenses of cqmmission K””» John E» anotting lands of _________________ 205 paymenti of French spohatxon clmm to ad-

 f?J3ying award to ,,_____,_,,,,,,_,__ 1079 K    m ;{l|%mt0F of -----··-------·--... 784

aw iam, A fn 18 -1 appropriation for expenses of commission d°h°i°¤°Y ¤PP?°P¤$·*·\°¤ {0T ---------- 419, 1246

 allotting laggls of ____,,.,, _ ,,,,,,_ 206 Reza, F7&d- été,            

or ying awa to ,,,,,_ , ,.,_ 1079 B 6, € -» Tm 0 %!`0 098 0 ¥¤€¤ ~ Keene EW 0. m .,.. . .. 1067 payment 0s06m orcmm judgment m.- 754 Kmhnen Edward, _ _ Keh[ qe,.ma,1y  » payment o@ C0urt of Clmms gudgmentto, 752 °*’}°'°*3"“‘*‘;,“ '°‘ °°“°“‘ “* ············· "’·"23 "“iQ"”£Z§f.¢JH§; forimpro cm M my orcerk irc ... . ... 78,926 °· P _ V 6U -—-··--~ Kezmep, Hm. John ,4., 1<'w·www _Bqy, MM-_, deficiency appropriation for contesmd-elem ¤PPT0P;¤;¤2§ Ig’L;g¤§;g;2T0¤t ofW¤tP1'· tion expenses 4 , ¤_ _ ---—---··---- Kellar cmd Indiana Smaller Oompany, I**Z”“”“'”f })0'm» _M*ch-¤ , may crsézt izxmnm on Colville Resemuqu, i¤f¤—¤¤vb¤;g ¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤bh-Slwd. E¤x1<¤ Har- M town m§”¤.£Mi1€ `‘ e15W;;};.];;; pmliminéi éx=1·3iiK=£~i£»i¤ B2? Mil! M apart for; price ,,,,,,,,,.. 1064 K IV m;?? of refuge -~--·-·----------- 1152 Km"' Cap" Chad"' - Z? rfzintign for im rovcmeut of harchiicicncy appropriation for cmdxt in ac- PP pbor P 1126 ‘ · counts ... 1224 ’'°°`' P `‘'‘`‘' K~¤·· M M <¤-·»··. K? "Z§”$;. ?£‘1"%£€‘",“§'t;’c¤0¤ 335 payment of Court of Claims judgment to of P . P ‘‘‘‘‘‘···

 Sister of   761 or public works . , ..,_ 1102

Kcmblq Edmund' · 3 zZ zgw mvement of 1122 payment of French sgmoliaticm claim to ad- L KJLP ”; P ---·-... ministmtrix 0 ... 79 — ’ ’ C un {C1 - . d t to 743 Kempf Lows yment0i 0 0 gums Lu gmen -. payment of bourt of Claims judgment t0-. 746 ‘ K§ ?;"€O°; Jggg? {:°§: $:;;1"&igL?" 21% 1074 Kermelfcc Arsmul, [Jr., } jegcieney apprqpriqtion for Indian school. 1254 c0mcyed to Marne for insane h0sp1ta1-.. 1270 L ]uck,,p0,, Inman, m ],u,,w,, Kennebec Raryr, Me., l appropriation for fuliillingtrcuiy with. 196, 1052 “PP'°PY;¤·:}0¤ fo; Ggfoming anchorage Yfféo HM { estate of Kte-qua, dewased Ixickapoo . . 196 U 9 \0¤€, K ---·-·-··--·----- , · K ·k I d , ()};ly_ for Ames Ledze iight-house Hurd ------ 1171 zpgcggrsgzagxor ¤¤;p}¤m, em., or . zoa wm pmliminag examination of, to be made to E gm Siu22h patenw to mrmn _____________ ’ mm ('a. incr. .., , 115 K· .,(·· · [ d· mmm.} M.-", Ave., §p‘f}€,p,{§f{f,’Z,°20,"8§,’;,”I§;,{{"§$cj O, ________ 1057 appropriation for improvement of 1117 Kgdi Loltie E K¢"m<’d!I "Wl WMP""!/y . pa ·ment of Court of Claims judgment to- . 774 jcfund of internal-revenue taxes to ... 807 K;,y,;,,. A r,;,,,,. p ` Am""]!/, ·$7'l*h€” D-, deficiency appropriation for reimbursing, payment of Court of Clmms judgment t0. . 772 surygys ________ _________________ 410 Kenney, ,-1. J, · Kilburn Russell M., payment, of Court of Claims judgment to. . 759 . paymént of Court of Claims judgment to- . 744 Kenney, Edorarrl, Kill rm: Kull. N. J., payment of C0urt}0f Claims judgment to _ preliminary oixamination to be made for executrix 0 772, 774 c anne .. 115 Kmonia W3:. ’ Kilty Augustus IL app:fo{>riafic;n for improvement of harbor. 1138 pa§ment of Cmnt of Claims judgment to Kemrin HL and Eastern. Railroad Com m;, administrator of .. 752 9* 6*** . . may bridge Calumet River, Cook ounty, Kimball, Drmwl E. , `

     1%: _,,, A; ,..___,__,____,__,,,,_,_ 703   pa.ymeg§ of clmm certified by Court of  

fn tu' 'y npr, y., 9.1mS r .. appropriation for improvement of; bridge. 1134 Kimball, Daniel E.! and John H Alpm,

 oek and dam 12 ,_,. . ...,..., 1134 payment of clzum certified by Court of
mt -  [L1"‘01I‘8, Jld., {aims . . . 805

prclinxnmry examination of, to be made,. 1152 \ Kimberly, Lewis A., Keurille, Joseph, { payment of Court of Claims judgment to payment to . ... 805 I cxecutrix of .. 749