Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1450

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lxxvi INDEX. Joint Rggplugigyw, P¤€€· J'udgesj—C0ntinued. PM20- numbsr of, to be printed; distribution 611 distinct, a{1th0 r1zed, Ncwgalsrsiy district. . JO;w8 Boyd and Company cnnsy vama eastern is nc .. on payment of com of Ciaims judgment to W~¤h1¤z¤>¤ ¤¤¤¤=r¤ d¤¤*¤¢¢ -----· - ---- 824 surviving partner of . .. 764 Judgmqms, Jmwg, Gyms, denciency appr0pr1ation for paymg, Court payment of Court of Claims judgment to of Qlalms Z . 41,422, 1250 administrator, qi, _____,,.. . .. 744 for naymg, Umbed $tatcs courts . 41, 422, 1251 Joms, Im M., for ndian deprsdatmn claims . . . 41, 423, 1251 unrestricted patent to issue for allotment for, circuit court Fond du Lac County, to ..,,... _ is . Jones, J IL, for, circuit court Shawano County, Wis. 1251 deficiency appropriation for services. - - 419, 1246 for, Court of Private Land Claims . 423 Jones, James, for Igying, against internal-revcnu§ payment to ... - . 0 cers 43, 424, 12 , 1 5 Jones, Jamescllf, .h¢dgmenls D. (1 may sell portion of Kiowa allotment . 219 czeiiciezcy appiopriation for paying . - - 400, 1222 Janes, John Ci, u Mal penses, . payment of French spoliation claim to ad- appropriations for 140 686 ministmtor of. . 783, 784, 785, 786, 788, 791, Juneau, Alaska, , 791, 792, 792, 793, 793, 795, 795, 796, 799 made port of entry in lieu of Sitka ... _554 Jew. Mum J. _ _ Jumm, Nathan 11, J Court of Ch-lm¤ Judgmimt *0 - 774 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 751 01188, 10 C , e v - payment of Fr<é1ch;·1po1iation claim to ud- ‘ ';;';";;;8£";!;¤ Fm mh S mH8tion claims on ministm r 0 . ... •r¢m€8» R- cI0W0d"", _ ¤¢],m0 ¤raSccc0h0u0I;Fe$f `'````°```-`- " `°``` `791 P°ym°:§d‘gWC°un of mums Judgmériim 750 payment of Fnénch spoliution claims on M8- W#~··~·· . . U73$§Z?T§·$(,‘}eg‘a,;l;;,; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘ 85 "“’“‘“€I,“.f’F- .‘??}‘TT-f’F. }?¥’}f‘T?-i‘f“*..’“..?“?44, 753 g¤g¥s>¤¤=·¤<>¤ f·>rfe»¢>;--’-E--i —------·- Sgggggg Jones, William H 8 Clancy eppmpm on or BBS " '`'`` ’ payment of Cdurt of Claims judgment to JW`!! C<m"[¤8€¢¢W¢¢’*`8» _ V admgmstmwl- of __________________ 765 approprumon for compensation ... 008, 1208 _ Jordan, Christopher, _ Justice, Department of (see Department of payment of Court of Claims judgment to Justice). admiiriftmtor of .. 755 Justices of the Peage, Jordan River - iss., appropriation or eas, acting as commispreliminarir examination of, to be made. . 1153 sioners 508, 1208 Joscph’a `Band, Nez Percé Indians, .h:,slicea of the Peace, D. C'., appropriationgor support, etc., of . 203, 1058 appropriation for salaries and expenses. 384, 905 Joslyn, Emslua ., pawient og Court of Claims judgment to . 746 K, Joy, aries . d°n°i°g3'l°(§’prgpd°ti°n fm °°m“??d`°l°°' 420 Kaloauiki Military Resermlion, Hawaii, Jubilee Centennial of the United Slam Kgigrilzginyy through' conmmed '‘°°‘'’ 579 Military Am amy ’ ·’a -u i __ appropriation for printing; distribution . . 448 d°“°*°gf_§, (_};pm£;1st On f°m°nt°St°d`9l°° 4.,0 ` deficiency up ropriation for printing . 1226 r _ -f '`'’`‘'’’‘ " Fudd (.hm_[” ll; IiaIama».0Q liner, Jlgh., paiment of Coinrt of Claims judgment to ragproprmilon for `mprm emem of '`'` usb Conllnittee Og _____________________ 761 Iialespel Indums, Monl., _],.0,a,,-(;me,a], yu,,!/ allotment of lands on Flathead Ressrvm appropriation for assistant bo, clerks, ctc., _ mm to --··--· _ -·~·-··---~ ~ -----·-- 30*3 Omve Of ________________________ ’1I8 664 1mlorama Az·enue, D. (., for employees paid from "ncw ships" - 118 Pmceedmgs tv condemn land for Jommg Judge-Arlz·oe·atc-(ivner·al’s Department, Army, of - · -; --·-—--—-···---·-·-··-····- 514 appropriation for pay of officers; lon@ f°" ;’;“°E?‘°“ Of -··-·--··----··--—---- 1010 gcvity. . , ampw e, ., Judge—Adz·¢>ca!e-Gmwrafs Q[7ice, llizr Depari- da;n;n Idinois River at, may be lowered. 089 V t, an ·a ·ee, ., appmiiifieeiiiou for clerks, etc .,. 114, 659 apprcg;riation {or public guildiug . 455, 1158 Jud ev 'amz,ns an pmpany, » ’., . alifiprmaon for Supreme com .. 140, ssc may kw ¤<>¤<1¤¤* ¤¤r¤¤¤ D évw, D- 0 -- #19 or circuit .,_,,, 140, 686 Kansas City and Jlemphnh Rzuluuy and Bndge for di$t!'iCt ---·--·---- - ... .•- I-I0, 686 Comprmy, for retired ,,..,,... 140,686 maximum charge for rqilway passengers, "additional, authorized, first circuit ... gil gridgaat Memphis ... 543 seventh circuit ,_.,... .2 Kansas 'ty, . 0., district, authorized, Illinois eastern dis- time extended for bridge across Missouri trict ...,.,.,_,,.. 995 River at .. . ... i5? Illinois northern district .,,,.. .. . . 993 to Sibley .. . .. I4?