Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/551

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F IF TY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 1305-1307. 1902. 485 CHAP. 1305.-An Act Relating to the construction of a dam across Rainy River. J¤¤9 2*% 1902- Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_]['RQ277’88€72¢dIt?:’l}€8 of the United [Public'_N0'18€'] States of Amem`ca in Congress assembled, That the time for the construe- .1IP{‘,;,'Q,y f,*,Qf§,§;§,‘(§“‘§;, tion of a dam across the Rainy River by the Koochiching Com any, ¢h¢K<><><g¤i¢hi¤s€¤¤¤· its successors and assigns, as provided by chapter two hundred) and paiigiiitoéylléss. thirty-eight of volume thirty of the Statutes at Large and chapter V°]· 31* p· ‘°7· three hundred and forty-six of volume thirty-one of the Statutes at Large, is hereby extended to May fourth, nineteen hundred and seven. Sec. 2. That the Koochiching Com any, its successors and assigns, Qejmgd 398 is hereby authorized to construct and) maintain said dam, subject to O` 'p` ' the terms of said chapter two hundred and thirty-eight of volume thirty of the Statutes at Large, upon the plans now on file with the Secretaryvof \Var, or any mo ication of said plans which the Secre- _ tary of ar may approve; and the Koochiching Com ny, its suc- H°‘g"‘°‘°““‘· cessors and assigns, IS hereby authorized to construct suchadam at such height as will raise the waters of Rainy Lake to high~water mark: _ B•0vided, That said dam shall be furnished with such openings or €,',Q{‘§°f;,y,,_ gates or waste ways as will carry the waters of the river at Hood stage without raising the water hi her than it would rise in the natural condition of the stream: Aniprcvided lfurther, That nothing in this D¤m¤8°¤· Act contained shall be construed as re ieving the Koochiching Company, its successors or assigns, from liability for any damage inflicted upon private property by reason of the raising of the waters of the lake as aforesaid. Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after mmits passage. Approved, June 28. 1902. CHAP. 1306.—An Act Appropriating the sum of three thousand dollars a year for June 28. 1902- the support and maintenance of the permanent international commission of the congresses of navigation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Jlcuse of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Ocngress assemble , That the sum of three thou- mQ’,f{“§f,f,‘},§i;Q§§;“Qg sand dollars a year is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the cprrzrvsses <>f ¤¤v*z¤· Treasury not otherwise appro riated, for the su port and maintenance mxlppropriatioii rc.- of the permanent international commission of the congresses of navi- °“*‘°"S°“°'“'*"°*’“‘°*‘· gation and for the pa ment of the actual expenses of the properly accredited national delegates of the United States to the meetings of the congresses and of the commission; and that the Secretary of War be, and is hereby, authorized to draw his warrant each ear upon the Secretary of the Treasury for such sum, not to exceed three thousand dollars, as may in his opinion be proper to apply to the purposes above mentioned, and that the said sum shall be isbursed under such re ulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War. _ She national delegates aforesaid from the United States shall serve N°°°“‘¥’°““““°°· without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for theiractual expenses incurred while traveling to and from the meetings, and while in attendance thereon, from the funds herein appropriated and authorized to be expended. Approved, June 28 1902. CHAP. 1307.-An Act To amenu section lwenty-five hundred and ninety-three -l¤¤€ 28- i90'!- of the Revised Statutes, relating to ports of entry. j,§]”' Be it enacted by the Senate and House af Representatives of the [batted M d Id h States cj America in Ocngreas assernblea', That section twenty-five hun- castglllgglsldct ° ° dred and ninety-three, Revised Statutes, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: