Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/550

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484 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 1302-1304. 1902. _ cause to be provided and assigned for the use of the Commission such omces as may, with the suitable equipment of the same, be necessary alpd prpper, in his discretion, for the proper discharge of the duties t ereo . .zB‘?“‘ *““° *“¥“‘°’j Sec. 8. That the Secretar of the Treasu is hereby authorized to heedmfo mm ex b0rrow on the credit of their United Statesrgrom time to time, as the proceeds may be required to defray expenditures authorized by this Act (such proceeds when received to be used only for the purpose of meeting such expenditures), the sum of one hundred and thirty million . dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to prepare and issue therefor coupon or registered bonds of the United States in such l>¤¤<>¤¤i¤·¤¤¤¤ form as he may rescribe, and in denominations of twenty dollars or xmpfmultggge opthfaté sum, redeeénable lin gold cpm] at the pleasgre of e United Statesa rten years rom the ate o their issue, an a - 1¤¤=r¤¤¤- able thirty years from such date, and bearing interest payable quartldrly E¤·`¤¤l>'= *¤>¤¤ *¤¤°¤· in gold coin at the rate of two per centum per annum; and the bondls herein authorized shall be exempt from all taxes or duties of the United States, as well as from taxation in any form by or under State, mun1c1-

 pmé pal, or local authority: Provided, That said bonds may be disposed of

` y the Secretary of the Treasury at not less than par, under such regulations as he may prescribe, giving to all citizens of the United States - an etiual plpportuing to subscribe therefor, but no commissions shall F¤1>¢¤¤>=· be al owe or paid ereon; and a sum not exceedin one-tenth of one per ceutum of the amount of the bonds herein autgorized is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approprrated, to pay the expense of preparing, advertising, and issuing the same. r Approved, June 28, 1902. ·l¤¤¢ 28, 1902 CHAP. 1303.-An Act To iix the compensation of district superintendents in the [public, N0_ lst] LHB-S8VlIlg S€!'VllC8. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¢·esentati*ves gfthe United gfmecsnggsicggiggi States of America in Congress assembled, That from and a ter the pasisggftlésgngnans. sage gg this git the cpnilpejnsatrop of drstpct spperintendzptg in the ·“ · · · i e·t, vin rvice s al e as o lows: or e su rin n ents o PMP-im- the first, seiond, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth, elezenth, twelfth, and thirteenth districts, two thousand dollars per annum each; for the su rintendents of the third and ninth districts, eighteen hundred ' dollhrs per annum each; for the superintendent of the eighth district, 33m,m one thousand seven hundred dollars: Provided, however, That in case ` the Secretary of the Treasury deems it necessary for any superintendent to employ a clerk, he may allow a sum not exceeding tive hundred dollars r annum for the compensation of such clerk in addition to the salisry paid the superintendent. R¤r>¤¤l· Sec. 2. That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, June 28, 1902. June 28. 190:. CHAP. 1304.-—-An Act For the establishment of a subport of entry at Naco, Ari- " [HnnS,_§E]ss.] ’°““· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _Ariz0n¤cus¢¢>msdi>— States of America in Congress assembled, That Naco, in the district of "$f;;_ 2,, ,_7·;_ Arizona, Territory of Arizona, shall be established a sub rt of entry, 0,§gg2yP°° ¤“”P°" and a deputy collector shall be appointed,_who shall resid); at said subnepmy couecmr. port of entry and receive such compensation as the Secretary of tim reasury may allow. Approved. June 28, 1902.