Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1011

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946 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 978. 1903. to the district court. No bonded indebtedness whatever shall be authorized for an ur ose. P¤¤i¤1¤¤¢¤¢f<>¤ vic- "Eleventh. Byyoiidiriance to provide reasonable punishment for the mm' violation of municipal ordinances by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars or imprisonment in the municipal jail for a term not exceeding ninet da s or both, for eac violation. mmm “T,we1f5thl To provide for the election of a municipal magistrate who shall have power to hear and determine causes arising un er the ordinances of such corporation, and to punish violations of such ordi- &“w‘;fé“ nances: Provided, That all sentences of imprisonment imposed by ` said municipal magistrate shall be served in the municipal jan without expense to the Government of the United States. Al appeals to the district court from the judgments of such municipal magistrate shall be governed by the laws relating to appeals from the judgments of “°·l”Y· commissioners acting as justices of the peace. Such municipal magistrate shall receive a salary to be iixpd lpy t15e council, and go lfees 03 Fm"- °*°- other com nsation w atever; an a ju gments impose y sai magistratelziiiid collected shall be turned over to the treasurer of the grporatiop and 3pplied7 to the use and benefit of the municipality as e counci ma u·ect. "°l·“‘·PP·’“‘·“”· Sec. -1. Thad section two hundred and three of chapter twenty-one pf tgledthrep, as ajpended (`pydthe Act appgoved lgarch third, nineteen un re an one e amen e so as to re as o ows: T'°°“‘“”°"· “Sec. 203. The treasurer of the corporation shall be ex officio treasmd- urer of thegasizchooll board, and shrglhbeifope enteéing upon tlhe dlutgies lof his office, e the oa rescribe aw an execute on the corporation in an amounlt to be deterymined by the judge of the district court, which bond shall be a proved by the council and the judge of the district court and filed in the office of the clerk of the corporation, and he shall give such additional bond as the council or judge of the district court may from time to time direct, but in no event shall such bond be less than twice the amount of money in the hands of the treasurer at any one time, to be determined by the tax rolls and license books of the corporation, and of the clerk of the district court: mv, m town Provided, That all license moneys provided for by Act of Congress wm ¤¤¤¤ey¤· approved March third, eighteen undred and nmet -nine, entitled v°l` 3°’ °` ww' ‘ An igct to dleiine and pupish crilmes ju theddiptrict <rfyAgaska and tlc rovi e a co e of crimina roce ure or said istrict., an any amen - dents made thereto, requirldd to be paid by any resident, person, or corporation for business carried on within the limits of any incorporated town, and collected by the clerk of the district court, shall be paid over by said clerk to the treasurer of such corporation, to be used for mumcnpal and school purposes in such proportions as the S¤l¤>¤lf¤¤¤· court may order, but not more than fifty per centum nor less than twenty -five r centum thereof shall be used for school purposes, the remainder tllsdreof to be paid to the treasurer of the corporation for the support of the municiplality, and the clerk of said court shall take said treasurer’s receipt therefor, in triplicate, one of which receipts shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Treasury, another to the Attorney-General, and the other s all be retained by the clerk: Pro- ,,‘{§‘§“,';$,§‘;,‘;f’°F”°“‘· ceded, That fifty per centum of all license moneys provided for by said 1>i¤x><>¤i¤¤¤ 0:. Act of Congress approved March third, eighteen undred and ninety- nine, and any amendments made thereto, that may hereafter be paid for business carried on outside incorporated towns in the district of Alaskaé shallgie covereiimjnto tpe Treasurycog the Suited Statels, arlrd set asi e to e e n , so ar as may eeme necessa y the Secretary of the Idtlgior, within his discretion and under his direction, folplsschpol purposes outside incorporated towns in said district of A ka.