Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1010

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 978. 1903. 945 Sec. 3. That section two hundred and one of chapter twenty-one of V°l- 3* P- M- title three be amended so as to read as follows: "SEc. 201. The council shall have the following powers: Town council. "First. To provide suitable rules governin their own body and to elect one of their members president, who shadl be ex officio mayor. "Second. To appoint, an at their pleasure remove, a clerk, treas- °“°°” ‘"*"°d· urer, assessor, municipal attorney, police, and such other officers as they deem necessary. ‘“Third. To make rules for all municipal elections, for the appoint- exE;$,°£‘é”°· P°"°” ment of election officials, and to provide for their duties and powers, ` and to provide suitable penalties for violation of such election rules: 1·*r0véded, That no officer shall be elected or appointed for a longer term than one year. “Fourth. By ordinance to provide for necessary street improve- mgjfgt *¤=P¤>*+ ments, sidewalks, cross walks, and sewerage. The cost of all or any ` part of such improvements may be collected by assessment and lev against abutting property which assessment shall be a lien upon all such property assessed: Provided, That a majority of such property ggxggiof pm rt holders consent, by petition or otherwise, to such improvements. holders. pe y " Fifth. By ordinance to declare what shall be a misdemeanor and m”{g;i°*P•l °¤”· _ . to provide for nre protection, water supply, lights, wharfage, maintenance of public schools, protection of public health, police protection, and the expenses of assessment and collection of taxes. “ Sixth. By ordinance to provide for the assessment and collection ’°“*°*· of a poll tax, not to exceed two dollars each, on all male residents between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, and to impose a fine and penalty for refusal, neglect, or failure to pay such tax: Provided, P"""’°· That all members in good standing of any regular organized volunteer E‘°‘“P“°“· nre company may be exempt. " Seventh. By ordinance to provide for taxing of dogs, not exceed- ”°““· ing two dollars a year on each dog, and to provide for impounding and destroying all dogs upon which such tax is not paid. " Eighth. By ordinance to provide for the assessment and levy of a ,€§'f§§,Q“,l,_ ““°“ °“ general tax for municipal purposes on real property, possessory rights, and im rovements., and to impose a penalty for its nonpayment; and all such taxes shall be a preferred lien upon the roperty so taxed, which lien may be foreclosed and the property solod as ppovided by chapter forty-two, Civil Code of Procedure: 1*»·m·£ded, T t all prop- I@*g;{‘·*>h°n erty belonging to the municipality and all property used exclusive y “P ' for religious, educational, or charitable purposes shall lac exempt from taxation. "Ninth. By ordinance to provide for the assessment and levy of a *"`"°“"“"°'· tax for municipal purposes on personal property and a penalty for its nonpayment, and to provide for the distraint and sale of sufficient goods and chattels belonging to the person charged with such tax to _ satisfy the same: ]’rozv'ded, That there shall be exempt from such f§'f,'}§§{’,;,,,,,_ assessment to each householder or head of a family household goods, of which such person is the bona tide owner, not exceeding two hundred dollars in value. _ "Tenth. By ordinance to impose such license tax on business con-_ '·‘°“‘}‘° ""°’· ducted within the corporate limits as the council shall deem reasonable. and to rovide for its collection by fine and penalty, as for vio- _ lation of other ordinances: Pmrided, That the general exemptions §QQ,§j',’f§;0,,_ rovided for in cha ter thirty-one, Civil Code of Procedure for the district of Alaska, sliall not apply to any tax lawfuléy levied against M xm te m any property, as provided for in this chapter: Prove` edfizrf/cer-, That° um"` ’° ‘ no property tax erein provided for shall exceed two per centum on the assessed valuation of the property; and all assessments made by the corporation assessor shall be uniform and shall be subject to review by the council, and appeals may be taken from their decision v0L XXXII, rrr 1--60