Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/369

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 785. 1900. 317 For repairs and incidental expenses of light-houses, one hundred dollars and forty cents. · For expenses of buoyage, twenty-four cents. For salaries and expenses of agents and subordinate officers of inter- Internal revenue nal revenue, four hundred and forty dollars and eighteen cents. For refunding moneys erroneously received and covered, three hundred dollars. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE WAR mclagmg. mowed by C DEPARTMENT. wi. D‘é..;&‘2f...£§’€ me For contingent expenses, War Department, five dollars and eighty- C°¤¤¤s€¤¢· eight cents. %?`or pay, and so. forth, of the Army, seven thousand six hundred P¤>¤M¤¤y- and twenty-two dollars and forty-seven cents. For pay of volunteers, fifty-five dollars and seventy cents. ` For contingencies of the Army, two dollars and eighty-six cents. C<>¤¤¤s¤¤¤i€S- For subsistence of the Army, twelve dollars and Hgty cents. Subsistence. For regular supplies, Q,u¥·termaster’s Department, three hundred and sixty-five dollars and twenty-one cents, For incidental ex enses, Quartermaster’s Department. five hundred 9¤m¢rm¤¤¤¢r’¤ De and forty-three dollgrs and two cents. pmmenii- For transportation of the Army and its supplies, seven hundred and seventy-two dollars and four cents. For barracks and quarters, one hundred and sixty dollars. For headstones for graves of soldiers, two hundred and twenty-eight Hwdstvnes for dollars and sevent -two cents. ‘ gravel For Medical and, Hospital Department, three hundred and eighteen Midipal . Departdollars and ninety-three cents. _ mm' For ordnance stores, ammunition, three dollars and five cents. or¤¤¤¤ve stores. For current and ordinary expenses, Military Academy, eighteen 1·¤1i¤¤rs· Academy- hundred and ninety-seven, two thousand seven hundred and forty-five dollars a_n,d,,_§§genty-nine cents. For coiitiugencies of fortiications, fifty-four dollars and seventy- Fvrtiiicntions. nine cents._ _ For military sts, thirty thousand and fort -eight dollars. M""“’Y P°“’”· For National gome for Disabled Volunteer Sroldwrs, Paciiic Branch, S°*di°'S' H°m°· one dollar and ninety-one cents. For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, clothing, twenty-three dollars and thirty-two cents. For horses and other property lost in the military service, one L<>¤¢P¤>1>¤¤y- hupdred and fifty dollars. d 1 f O V d or a , trans rtation, services, an su p ies o regon an i 0*¤8<>¤ ¤¤d Wm- Washinfétgn volunltigers in eighteen hundred and)fifty-five and eighteen umn v°mmm' hundre and fifty-six, one hundred and thirty-five dollars and sixty- six cents. For twenty per centum additional compensation, war, sixty dollars. cr'g:;,=¤*Y PM ¤¢¤¤ iu- CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE NAVY th‘ém_§_'\§g,§,};°¥gj_d tg; I DEPARTMENT. Navy Department. For pay of the Navy, sixthousand eight hundred and eleven dollars P°Y·N“"Y· and ninety-five cents. ’ 0 For pay of the Marine Corps, one thousand and twenty-four dollars MMM °°*P¤- and nine cents. y For contingent, Marine Corps, five dollars and twenty cents. For provisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, two an*§,“_§,*;*;‘gu‘;f,SS“PP‘i°¤ · thousand and seventeen dollars and thirty-eight cents: o ` PromIded, That no'part or any one of the claims allowed by the Auditor I _ . for the Navy Department in this bill to which this appropriation is m“°”°"° mms'