Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/368

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316 FIFTY-SIXTHVCONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 785. 1900. Four hundred and fourteen, one hundred and eighty-one thousand Prvvisw seven hundred and thirty-four dollars and ninety-two cents: Provided, A°p°°`1' That none of the jud ments herein provided for shall be paid until the right of ap eal shaléiave expired. V01-18.1>· 110- Sec. 2. That for the payment of the following claims certified to be due by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five of the Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and prior years, v01.2e,p.2s4. unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress — under section two of the Act of July seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered Six hundred and thirty-four, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session, there_ is appropriated as follows: ‘ th§‘”,§Q,‘§,g'§l°‘§§f tg}; CLAIMS ALLOWED BY QTHE AUDITOR FOR THE TREAS- Tr¤¤¤¤rvDep¤rtme¤f- . URY DEPARTMENT. _ Contingent. For contingent expenses, Treasury Department: Freight, telegrams, _ and so forth, two hundred and sixty-five dollars and sixty-three cents. Public buildings. For pay of assistant custodians and janitors, one hundred and thirteen dollars and eighty-one cents. A For furnitureand repairs of same for public buildings, one hundred and ninetydollars and ninety-two cents. For heating apparatus for public buildings, two hundred and thirty- _ seven dollars and six cents. ‘ HfForvaults, safes, and locks for public buildings, nineteen dollars and t -one cents. . wggpggzwns ¤<>¤¤‘ hior suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes, one dollar and five cen s. . Pubns bunamgs. For repairs and preservation of public buildings, forty--six dollars and fifty-eight cents. m1¤<i¤1>¢¤d¤¤t '1‘r¢¤¤- For contingent expenses, Independent Treasury, ten cents. iiimcmmsmemam. For contingent expenses, office of Director of the Mint, sixty cents. Min, ,,,Cm(,,,_ E For contingent expenses, mint at Carson, three dollars and twenty- our cents. · · ·-D¢¤V¤>‘- For contingent expenses, mint at Denver, five dollars and eighteen cents .i‘_ 1 . -—S¤¤ F¤‘¤¤<=iS¤<>- gor contingent expenses, mint at San Francisco, twenty-three dollars an seventeen cents. 4}% <>m¤€S· f Igorf contingpnt expenses, assay office at Boise, seven dollars and . or y- our cen s. —H€l¤¤¤- For contingent expenses, assay office at Helena, one dollar and thirty- seven cents. Chi¤€¤° °X¢l¤Si°¤· For enfcilrcement of Chinese exclusion act, thirty-two dollars and twenty-eig t cents. A c. I¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤V€¤¤<= For repayment to importers, excess of deposits, three hundred and twenty-t ree dollars and sixty-one cents. For refunding penalties or charges erroneously exacted, eleven · dollars and eighty-eight cents. . S€§_§g:*¤'¤ ¢·C“*'*°* _ Figr expsnsesof Revenue-Cutter Service, fifty-six dollars and sixty- G1 cen . . a §`or refuge station, Point Barrow, Alaska, one hundred and six dollars and sixty-seven cents. Life~S¤vi¤sS¤rvice- f ForfLife-Saving Service, seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and ort - our cents. _ Light·h¤¤se¤,etc. Fgr supplies of light-houses, nine hundred and twenty-two dollars and thirty-three cents. - ‘