Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/583

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544 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cris. 540, 541. 1898. amount during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine than they make on the appropriations arising irom the revenues, including drawback certificates, of said District. Approved, June 30, 1898. Jul! L 1999- D CH3?. 541.-An Act To establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the "_""°_ 'nite States. ' ¥}•¤:}¤r¤r#-cy-wm W Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mums? sy. States of America in Congress assembled, · Cusrrnn I. mamma., DEFINITIONS. Section 1. Mnnmwc or Womms up Pmznsns.-a The words and phrases used in this Act and in proceedings pursuant hereto shall, unless the same be inconsistent with the context, be construed as fol- A person ss¤i¤¤¢ lows: (1) “A person against whom a petition has been filed" shall ,‘;f;§,"},,Qd?°"“°“ h" include a person who has filed avoluntary petition; (2) “adjudication” M.i¤•1i•=¤¤¤¤- shall mean the date of the entry of a decree that the defendant, in a bankruptcy proceeding, is a bankrupt, or if such decree is appealed Appoints mm. from, then the date when such decree is finally confirmed; (3) “ appellate courts" shall include the circuit courts of appeals of the United States, the supreme courts of the Territories, and the Supreme Court Bankmpt- of the United States; (4) “bankrnpt" shall include a person against whom an involuntary petition or an application to set a composition aside or to revoke a discharge has been tiled, or who has filed a volun- C‘°***· tary petition, or who has been adjudged a bankrupt; (5) “ clerk" shall C¢>¤’v•>¤;“°¤¤· mean the clerk of a court of bankruptcy; (6) *‘ corporations" shall mean - - ’ all bodies having any of the powers and privileges of private corporations not possessed by individuals or partnerships, and shall include limited or other partnership associations organized under laws making the capital subscribed alone responsible for the debts of the association; €°“”· (7) “court" shall mean the court of bankruptcy in which the proceed- Courts of but- ings are pending, and may include the referee; (8) “courts of bank- ‘“*""’“ ruptcy" shall include the district courts of the United States and of the Territories, the supreme court of the District of Columbia, and the United States court of the Indian Territory, and of Alaska; c¤~·m·»»-. (9) “creditor" shall include anyone who owns a demand or claim provable in bankruptcy, and may include his duly authorized agent, at- 1>m»·»ri»¤¤»k¤·m·~»·. torney, or proxy; (10) “date of bankruptcy," or "time of bankrnptcy,” or “commencement of proeeedings," or “bankruptcy," with reference 1>¤¤·~· to time, shall mean the date when the petition was filed; (11) "debt" shall include any debt, demand, or claim provable in bankruptcy; Diwsrzs- (12) “ discharge " shall mean the release of a bankrupt irom all of his debts which are provable in bankruptcy, except such as are excepted T*•>·¤¤·¤··¤¤· by this Act; (13) “document" shall include any book, deed, or instru- H·»1¤·¤·+y· ment in writing; (1-1) ·*holiday” shall include Christmas, the Fourth of July, the Twenty-second of February, and any day appointed by the President of the United States or the Congress of the United States as a holiday or as a day of public tasting or thanksgiving; (15) i¤·¤·>¤*<·¤¤r· a person shall be deemed insolvent within the provisions of this Act whenever the aggregate of his property, exclusive of any property which he may have conveyed, transferred, concealed, or removed, or permitted to be concealed or removed, with intent to defraud, hinder or delay his creditors, shall not, at a fair valuation, be sufficient in ·¥¤<¤g¤— amount to pay his debts; (16) “ judge " shall mean a judge of a court

  • >=·¤¤· of bankruptcy, not including the referee; (17) “ oath " shall include

0***- aftirmation; (18) “ ofueer” shall include clerk, marshal, receiver, referee, and trustee, and the imposing of a duty upon or the forbidding of an