Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/582

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 540. 1898. 543 For revenue and inspection branch: For water registrar who shall dkeyvvuilmdmpw also perform the duties of chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dol- °° mm ` lars ; two clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; chief inspector, nine hundred and thirty- six dollars; eight inspectors, at nine hundred dollars each; messenger, six hundred dollars; For distribution branch: For superintendent, one thousand eight hun- b D i ¤ t r i b ¤ t i v n dred dollars; draftsman, one thousand five hundred dollar ; foreman, ""°h° ~ one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; timekeeper, eight hundred dollars; assistant foreman, nine hundred dollars; tapper and machinist, nine hundred dollars; three steam engineers, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; property keeper, six hundred dollars; driver, four hundred and eighty dollars; hostler, four hundred and eighty dollars; calker, seven hundred and thirty dollars; in all, thirty thousand and twenty-six dollars. - For contingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, forage, ¤¢·¤¤¤s¤¤¤•=r¤¤¤¤¤· advertising, printing, and other necessary items and services, two thousand five hundred dollars. For fuel, repairs to boilers, machinery, and pumping stations, pipe F¤¤l.r¤p•i:s.¤w. distribution to high and low service, material for high and low service, including public hydrants and fire plugs, and labor in repairing, replacing, raising, and lowering mains, laying new mains and connections, and erecting and repairing ilre plugs and public hydrants, ninety thousand dollars. _ For interest and sinking fund on water-stock bonds, six thousand E I¤t!=¤rg¤¤ ¤¤•i mkand twenty-ive dollars. °g un ' For interest on account of increasing the water supply, as provided 1¤¤r¤¤¤1¤g water in the Act of July ilftecnth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, such “"f§§,’Q,,,,_ amount as may be necessary to pay said interest in full for the fiscal V¤L22·P-I"- year eighteen hundred and ninetynine. For sinking fund on account of increase of water supply, under Act Sum"! f**“"· of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, such amount as may be necessary to pay said sinking fund in full for the fiscal year ' eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. _ For continuing the extension of the highservice system of water m§§_§;';Q,;,’g§,_h**h distribution, to include all necessary land, machinery, buildings, mains, and appurtenances, so much as may be available in the water fund, during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, after providing for the expenditures hereinbefore authorized, is hereby approriated. P The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby author- Fm .u£)p1y;¤ charized to furnish Potomac water without charge to orphan asylums and {§:j,’f· ° ·· “‘°“*"‘ charity schools, and such institutions as receive annual appropriations from Congress, to an amount to be fixed in each case by said Commissioners, not to exceed the rate of one hundred gallons per average capita of inmate per diem; and for all water used beyond such an amount the institution shall be charged at the prevailing rate for the _ use of water in the District. They are further authorized to furnish Potomac water without charge to churches to an amount to be fixed in each case by said Commissioners, any amount used in excess to be charged as hereinbefore provided. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to cover into· the nwrzmrmw Treasury, one·ha1t to the credit of the United States and one-half to $fmc‘;:°ffj§;}°§*,, mj the credit of the District of Columbia, any unexpended advances stand- mer boards tr cm. ing upon the books of the Treasurer of the United States to the official ““"‘°“°"‘ credit of former boards of Commissioners of the District of Columbia; and the Commissioners are authorized to cancel, when presented for _,,,,,,,.u,t,.,,, ,; payment, all checks drawn against said advances, and to issue in lieu ¤*=•··=¤ ¢*¢· thereof checks payable out of an appropriation to be raised by the Secretary of the Treasury for the purpose. Sec. 2. That said Commissioners shall not make requisitions upon Lmessmqmsum the appropriations from the Treasury of the United States for a larger °" T'°“'""