Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/457

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418 FIFTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 342-344. 1898. ··°*g**¤m*i°¤· Sec. 2. The volunteer signal corps shall consist of one colonel, ono lieutenant-colonel, one major as disbursing officer, and such other officers and men as may be required, not exceeding one major for each army corps, and two captains, two iirst lieutenants, two second lieutenants, five iirst—class sergeants, ten sergeauts, ten corporals, and thirty §{$gé,aM an d first-class privates to each organized division of troops: Provided, misgmpt spsmm. That two-thirds of all officers below the rank of major and a like proportion of the enlisted men shall be skilled electricians or telegraph operators. Approved, May 18, 1898. Mw *3.1898- CHAP. 343.-An Act Granting the Santa Fe and Grand Canyon Railroad Com— _'*’é"— pany right of way for railroad purposes through the Grand Canyon Forest Reserve in northern Arizona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United G;;; *gan;`°j, of States of America in Congress assembled, That the Santa Fe and Grand road g-mnmi ném of Canyon Railroad Company,·a corporation created and existing under §§§,,f§’°{f§§,s, "}§‘§ the laws of the Territory of Arizona, is authorized to construct and serve main tain a railroad over and through the Grand Canyon Forest Reserve (heretofore reserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a public reservation by Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, by V¤l·?7·l>- 106* proclamation of date the twentieth day of February, eighteen hundred I-<>¤¤¤<>¤· and ninety-three), said railroad to enter the said Grand Canyon Forest Reserve at such a point on the southern boundary of said reserve in Coconino County, Arizona, as may be found to be the most feasible ior the route of said railroad, rimning in a northerly direction from Williams, Arizona; thence proceeding by the most practicable route through a point at or near Lombard and the Bright Angel Trail to the Indian Gardens, and from said Bright Angel Trail in an easterly direction to the Little Colorado River; also to proceed by such side tracks, extension s, switches, and spurs as may be necessary to reach the various groups of mines in said forest reserve, all in said Coconino County; Rcstrictionsetc- said right of way being granted subject to the rules and restrictions cmp. isa.`-si. is, p. and carrying all the rights and privileges of an Act entitled “An Act “2·'"""° "l’*’1'““m°‘ granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy- five, said Act being hereby made applicable to the right of way hereby rmett. granted: 1’roz··ided, That no timber shall be cut by said railroad com- 1‘“‘b"‘ pany for any purpose outside of the rights of way herein granted, Approved, May 18, 1898. May 18.1898. CHAP. 344.-—An Act 'l`o abolish the distinction between otiervd and iinoffered " ‘ “ "'" lands, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United {',','f;‘,l;;,,l,’;jj;]j,l_t“_,_9n States q/'America in Congress assembled, That in cases arising from and »m·mi Mtn uusntteu after the passage of this Act the distinction now obtaining in the statutes '““‘*` "*"""""'*‘ between oilered and unoiiered lands shall no longer be made in passing upon subsisting preemption claims, in disposing of the public lands Wi. 2·~. n-=%i•- under the homestead laws, and under the timber and stone law of June V<»l»27·i>·348» third, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, as extended by the Act of August fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, but in all such cases hereafter arising the land in question shall be treated as unotfered, without regard to whether it may have actually been at some time offered or not. 3{§¤;~<»;3f§m4 mgm, S1-gc. 2. That all public lands within the State of Missouri shall heret.{ IittZ§“?a.. Qnnim. after be subject to disposal at private sale in the manner now provided im'- by law for the sale of lands which have been publicly offered for sale,