Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/456

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 339-42. 1898. 417 equity in partition proceedings between private persons. Whenever in gay of igvwgfx- d such suit the court shall order a sale of the property or any part thereof 5;,.}.,,,. S ° mm the Attorney—General of the United States may, in his discretion, bid for the same in behalf of the United States. If the United States shall be the purchaser, the amount of the purchase money shall be paid from the Treasury of the United States upon a warrant drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury on the requisition of the Attorney·General. Approved, May 17, 1898. CHAP. 340.-An Act Declaring the Federal jail at the city of Fort Smith, Ar- May 17,1s¤s. kansas, a national prison for certain purposes. ·······"—"‘* Be it enacted by the Senate and House célltepresentatiees of the United States of America in Goagrecs assembled, at the Federal jail at the city gg? gigfrkof Fort Smith, Arkansas, in addition to the purposes for which it is .,,,,e:,.,i“,,,-;,,$,Z’}°‘°°'] now used, is hereby declared to be a national prison, for the coniinement of persons convicted of crimes and misdemeanors in the United States courts and commissioners’ courts in the Indian Territory, in cases where the term of imprisonment does not exceed one year, admis- -=*¤¤l¤¤**>¤ *¤¤>· sion into said prison to be under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Attorney-General of the United States. And said -¤<¤i*·i¤¤¤1 ¤¤¤- iail may also be used for the care and confinement of United States prisoners in the Texarkana division of the western district of Arkansas. Approved, May 17, 1898. hcmitg. 341.-·An Act To provide for the disposition of abandoned imported mer- May 17, im. 0 BD . é?;?"` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section twentytliree of ¤¤{:;>¤¤¤Bd _ the Act of June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, is hereby amended ,,.;’i,,.,,,'{.‘].'},.;i,I,'T"°'f so as to read as follows: _ V¤1-26.v·14¤-

    • 8110. 23. That no allowance for damage to goods, wares, and mer· dmv ·¤·>••·¤¤· M

chandise imported into the United States shall hereafter be made in °°°°°' . the estimation and liquidation of duties thereon; but the importer —¤\»¤¤<!¤¤m•>¤¤ sn d thereof may, within ten days after entry, abandon to the United States '°u°£ all or any portion of goods, wares, and merchandise included in any invoice, and be relieved from the payment of the duties on the portion _ so abandoned: Provided, That the portion so abandoned shall amount mwoi M I I to ten per centum or over of the total value or quantity of the invoice; g.,,,d,f'° ° ° "° °°°` and the property so abandoned shall be sold by public auction or other- -¤»1». wise disposed of for the account and credit of the United States under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. All :—vl¤¢:;¢`¢l¤li*¤¤ by merchandise so abandoned by the importer thereof shall be delivered "”°° ` by such importer at such place within the port of arrival as the chief officer of customs may direct, and on the failure of the importer to com- —f¤i1¤r¤ to •1=1iv¤r- ply with the directions of the collector in this respect the abandoned merchandise shall be disposed of by the collector at the expense of such importer.” ‘ Approved, May 17, 1898. CHAP. 342.——An Act To organize a volunteer signal corps. @§· __ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is hereby ${{Q§,“, sig,,, authorized to organize a volunteer signal corps, for service during the cm-p.. V existing war, which corps shall receive the same pay and allowances as —i¤y- are authorized by law for the Signal Corps of the Army. vox. xxx-27