Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1004

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966 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 327,328. 1899. Louis, Missouri; including the usc, lighting, and heating of mail building and the transfer service at Saint Loui , at the rate of not exceeding fifty thousand dollars per annum, beginning on the iirst day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety nine. · cing @1;*;:*6 °°¤· Sec. 4. That the commission to investigate the question whether or ..».,m.¤¤¤:u. gm' not excessive prices are paid to the railroad companies for the transportation of the mails and as compensation for postal-car service, and all sources of revenue and all expenditures of the postal service, and " rates of postage upon all postal matter, authorized by section live of 4·¢¤-v-445- ·the “Act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Oilice . Department for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine," is _ hereby continued during the Fifty-sixth Congress, with all the powers and duties imposed upon it by said section live of said Act. m:&¤•¤¤i¤·· h"Any vacancy occurring in the membership of said commission, by resignation or otherwise, hall be filled by the presiding officer of the Senate or House, respectively, according as the vacancy occurs in the Senate or House representation on said committee. “°P°'”· And said commission shall make report as soon as practicable after u§;•PP¤j,°°1{,*{,fj,*Q;,cg* the beginning of the iirst session of the Fifty-sixth Congress. The °°unexpended balance of the sum appropriated by said section live of said Act is hereby reappropriated and made available during the Fifty- · sixth Congress for the expenses of said commission, payable, on the draft of the chairman of said commission, in sums not exceeding one thousand dollars at any one time, and an additional sum of seven thou- _ sand dollars is hereby appropriated for said purpose. omyg @$5 The franking privilege, as the same is regulated bylaw, shall extend mms. to the Hawaiian Islands. . f;>:_·p,;·;ilj:¤;,0n 0, _ Sec. 5. On and after April lirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, payee. sw., not it be postmasters shall not issue any money order conditioned that 1 entiti- "**'°*’·°'°· cation of payee, endorsee, or attorney maybe waived, nor shall any postmaster pay any money order issued on or sub equent to said date _ _ without requiring identification of the payee, endorsee, or attorney. gggmfgxj Money orders may be drawn by the Superintendent of the Money- u fu m correcting Order System without the exaction of an additional fee for the purpose

",,‘j,';,'fP”“"““"· of correcting errors made by issuing or paying postmasters; and the

Po1stmaster·General shall prescribe the forms for the issue of money or ers. · d°»ggg:r£¤§;¤ mfg SHG. 6. That if the revenues of the Post-Oliice Department shall m.,,, be msufficient to meet the appropriations made by this Act, a sum equal to such deficiency of the revenues of said Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in ·the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply said deficiencies in the revenues for the PostOtIlce Department for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred. Approved, March 1, 1899. ¥¤‘¤b L im- 328.-An Act To amend section one of an Act to provide for the entry of 'j‘“‘”°"` lands in Greer County, Oklahoma Territory, to give preference right to settlers, and for other purposes. Be it onactedty the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §G*m;r§°¤:{]{· States of America in Congress assembled, That section one of an Act to tamu pi-ima mm. give preference right to settlers in Greer County, Oklahoma Territory, {QQ ”‘“¥ l’“"°°" is hereby so amended as to allow parties who have had the benefit of V¤l.29, p. evo. the homestead laws of the United States, and who had purchased lands in_Greer County from the State of Texas prior to March sixtcenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, to perfect titles to said lands according to the provisions of section one hereinbefore mentioned, under such regulations as the Commissioner of the General Land Omce may prescribe, and according to the legal subdivisions of the