Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1003

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. OH. 327. 1899. 965 For balances due foreign countries; one hundred and forty-five thou- °iB¤*§¤•=¤:ri·*¤¤ fm? sand dollars. g" °°°° °”' ormcm OF mm THIRD Assrsranr rosrmasrnn-GENERAL. Thiul A¤¤i¤¢¤¤f Postmaster-General. For manufacture of adhesive postage and special delivery stamps, Stamp-- one hundred and ninety-nine thousand dollars: Provided, That out of _ ‘ the revenue arising from special-delivery business the Postmaster-Geu ,,,§§,‘j§§ ,,,§‘,,‘§},,‘,§,§’},,’} eral may allow expenditures by postmasters at first-class post-offices, ¤{¤¤¤¤i¤;¤·; ¤¤ ¤¤¤· , under regulations to be established by him, for car fare thr special- ,°°°°P°° ° °°°‘ delivery messengers in emergent cases where immediate delivery in the usual way is impracticable, not to exceed in the aggre tc, for all oflices, ten thousand dollars a year: And provided further, That at first iq-fees from ·p¤i1¤1>l•~ and second class post-offices the Postmaster-General may establish elZr°:¤i1`i:`eYJ.ii°§a:i rules under which special delivery may he eflhcted by any salaried °”*¤¤•= ¤¤'¤¤· clerk or employee thereof, and the lawful special delivery fees allowed therefor, the same as is now done at third-class offices, in cases where such delivery can not be made by regular messengers. For pay of agent and assistants to distribute stamps, and expenses 1>i¤m\»·¤¤··¤ M of agency, twelve thousand dollars. “'““"" For manufacture of stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers, six S*¤¤P¢d ¤¤‘*¤'¤v¤·· hundred and ninety-four thousand dollars. . For pay of agent and assistants to distribute stamped envelopes and —<li¤¤·il»¤¤<·¤- newspaper wrappers, and expenses of agency, seventeen thousand eight hundred dollars. For manufacture of postal cards, one hundred and forty-nine thou- Postal was. sand dollars. For pay of agent and assistants to distribute postal cards, and —df¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤~ expenses of agency, seven thousand dollars. For registered package, tag, official, and dead letter envelopes, ninety- seven thousand dollars. For ship, steamboat, and way letters, one thousand dollars. smp,m.,1¤tm·¤. For payment of limited indemnity for the loss of pieces of first-class °,.I{1g,$,*:,jjjg*d Q;;,};? registered matter, as provided for in the Act of Congress approved v.»i?zo,p.5¤n. ' February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled “An Act to amend the postallaws providing limited indemnity for loss of registered mail matter," six thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, nve hundred dollars. inmiiustus. onmom OF THE FoURrH ASSISTANT POSTMASTEB Gnnmnn. Pppgigu assigns For maildepredations and post-office inspectors, including salaries of mai aspmutum. post-office inspectors and clerks, and fifteen inspectors at two thousand dollars per annum, without per diem, and for per diem allowance of inspectors in the field while actually traveling on business of the Department, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That {fjjjgfgg ,0 m 6,, the Postmaster-General may, in his discretion, allow postrofiice inspect- ers.; W ors per diem while temporarily located at any place on duty away from home or their designated domicile for a period not exceedin twenty consecutive days at any one place, and may make rules and regulations governing the foregoing provisions relating to per diem. For payment of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction of R·=··¤¤*¤ postoffice burglars, robbers, and highway mail robbers, twenty-five thousand dollars. Sec. 2. That the appropriations herein made for the officers, clerks, sppmpuaqions meand persons employed in the postal service shall not be available for {,}}‘Q§‘§’,}f,,{K;},F,‘§'f"°" the compensation of any persons permanently incapacited for performing such service. The establishment of a civil pension roll or an hon- QM! i:l¤_;¤¤¤·>¤ ¤>¤· orable service roll, or the exemption of any of the officers, clerks, and °°°"f°m °°' persons in the postal service from the existing laws respecting employ- ment in such service, is hereby prohibited.

nc. 3. That the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized, in his qx>g;·vri·$¤¤ g

discretion, to pay from appropriations for transportation by railroad iiiirm Liii1_iS`ii°°élr¤¤ routes for the special transfer and terminal service between the Union $*9* M2*°”*°¤· s'· Station at East Saint Louis, Illinois, and the Union Station at Saint m'