Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/758

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732 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 212, 213. 1893. herein authorized, six million eight hundred and seventy-five thousand mg be MMP dollars: Provided, That no contract for the purchase of gun steel or mea rm. armor for the Navy shall hereafter be made until the subjectmatter of the same shall have been submitted to public competition by the Department by advertisement. i Approved, March 3, 1893. U¤¤’¢l¤ 3- Im· CHAP. 213.-An act l113K1I1g appropriations for the service of the Post-Office De- "-`—";""" partment for the ilscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Pr};';§;;‘sf°”“’°“P”° States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated for the service of the Post-Oiiice De- Vsl 5·1•·¤¤~ partment, in conformity with the act of July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, as follows: mmumemnm OFFICE OF THE Posrmnsrmn-GENERAL. ‘ A•M¢¤¤i¤:-For advertising, eighteen thousand dollars. uamuamus For miscellaneous items in the office of the Postmaster General, one thousand dollars. Pggggtejézégtxt OFFIGE OF tram Fmsr Assrsrsnr Posrzusmnn-GENERAL. rmmuem. F31;1 clompensation to postmasters, fifteen million six hundred thousan o 'ars. d€1•»rk¤ in 1>¤¤*~ For compensation to clerks in post-offices, eight million eight hun- °°° dred and sixty thousand dollars and of this sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars may, in the discretion of the Postmaster-General, be expended for the rental of cancelling machines. 1¤m.1s;m,.¤am1. For rent, light, and fuel for iirst and second class postomecs, eight rmeap. _ hundred and two thousand dollars: Provided, That of said sum, thirty- N;,*,‘$‘¥,{',T{,'f‘l"°“"“°" five thousand dollars may be used for the rent, light, fuel, and necessary fixtures and furniture of additional premises in the city of New York hereby authorized to be hired and used for general post office business in said city. For renthlight and fuel for postofllces of the third class, six hunumi, ,m¤,_m__0F dred and irty thousand dollars: Provided, that there shall not be sm.allowed for the use of any third-class post-office for rent a sum in excess of four hundred dollars, nor more than sixty dollars for fuel and lights, in any one year. . Mi·<=·‘¤¤¤¢¤¤·- For necessary miscellaneous and incidental items directly connected with iirst and second class post-ofllces, including furniture, one hundred and twentyfve thousand dollars. Fr¤¤¢¤¤1i··•rr· For free-delivery service, including existing experimental ireedeliv- _ ery offices, eleven million two hundred and fifty-four thousand nine I¤¤¤‘¤*°°¤¤¤¤¤i**°¤· hundred dollars, of which the sum of ten thousand dollars shall be applied under the direction of the Postmaster-General to experimental free-delivery in rural communities other than towns and villages. $tMi¤¤<rry. For stationery in post-offices, fifty-seven thousand dollars. Twine. For wrapping twine, ninety thousand dollars. Paper. For wrapping paper, sixty thousand dollars. si-na. For letter balances, scales, and test weights, and repairs to same, eighteen thousand dollars. canning, em., For postmarking and rating stamps and repairs to same, and ink °*’“"¤"· and pads for stamping and canceling purposes, forty thousand dollars. rmkaug-tom. em. For packing-boxes, sawdust, paste, and hardware, one thousand five hundred dollars. mmm;. For printing facing-slips and cutting same, card slide-labels, blanks, gud books of an urgent nature for the postal service, ten thousand o ars.