Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/757

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 212. 1893. 73] the continuance of the naval rendezvous and review to be held in pursuance of the provisions of section eight of the act of Congress ap- V<>1.26.p.63» proved April twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety, creating the World’s Columbian Exposition; and the Secretary of· the Navy is viglvglgié m-- FM M- hereby further authorized to make such rules and regulations regard- ’ ` lllg the movements of all vessels in the roadstead and harbor named as may be necessary in order to insure the proper and orderly conduct of said naval rendezvous and review and provide for the safety of the vessels participating therein; and such rules and regulations when so issued and published shall have the force and eifect of law. INCREASE OF THE NAVY. N,{€§T°”° °f “‘° That for the purpose of further increasing the Naval Establishment Three lighvdraft of the United States, the President is hereby authorized to have con- P”°t°°°°° g“"°°“"S· structed, by contract, three lightdrait protected gunboats of about one thousand two hundred tons displacement each, to cost, exclusive of ar- cm. mament, not more than four hundred thousand dollars each, excluding any premium that may be paid for increased speed and the cost of Speed premiums. armament. The contract for the construction of either of said gunboats shall contain such provisions as to speed and premiums and penalties affected by speed as may in the judgment of the Secretary of the Navy may be deemed proper and fitting. In the construction of said cim n-miami. vessels aH the provisions of the act of August third, eighteen hundred v¤1.24,p. 215. and eighty-six, entitled “An act to increase the Naval Establishinent/’ as to material for said vessels, their engines, boilers, and machinery, the contract under which they are built the notice of and proposals for the same, the plans, drawings, specifications therefor, and the method of executing said contracts, shall be observed and followed, and said vessels shall be built in compliance with the terms of said act, save that Domestic manufae in all their parts said vessels shall be of domestic manufacture: Pro- *"§2,,,,,,,,,_ vided, hou·cz·er, That the Secretary of the Navy shall not receive or con- 1$¢ll5¤r¤l_¤¤¤¤t have sider bids irom any party or parties not provided with a plant suita- °`" ° °p ‘“"' ble to do the work: And provided farther, That in awarding the con- Awarding conn-ac:. tract for any one of these ships, the Secretary of the Navy shall award the contract at the price of the lowest bid to that one of the parties bidding on any such ship which in his judgment it is in the interest of the Government to have to do the work. If the Secretary of the Navy Tghg hhih at new shall be unable to contract at reasonable prices for the building of said §3miitiIZ?.iii1f°iiiI:·i¤l vessels, then he may build such vessels in such navy-yard as he may designate. UNDER rms BUREAU or 0RDNANcr1. “'“"“"""°"*‘“*"*°°· ARnAm;Nr AND ARMoR: All balances of appropriations on hand m_{y¤··¤····¤·¤ =·¤·¤ M- July tirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, to the credit of armor iniiiima or appro. and armament of vessels heretofore authorized, shall be available to- P“““°"“ ’*""““*’*°· ward the armor and armament of any of the vessels heretotbre authorized as well as for the armor and armament of vessels authorized by this act, including the purchase of or payment for the right to use and P¤y¤¤<·¤gt for i>M¤¤¤- employ such patented processes and to manufacture and use such pat- °dI"°°°““‘°t°` ented devices, apparatus, models. and designs as may, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Navy, be necessary or desirable to increase the eiiiciency of the armor and armament for naval vessels: Provided, al- I1;r0¤·>¤<>·_ ways, That such armor and armament shall be of domestic manufacture. m,.._m°°°° "”"°°f“°` UNDER rnn BUREAU or EQUIPMENT. mg;g¤¤¤ of F¤¤h~· Eocrrmmrrr or Naw Vizssms or run NAVY: Toward the comple- w§g_;gr¤·¤¤¤ of M tion of the equipment outiit of the new vessels heretofore and herein ` authorized by Congress, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. CONSTRUCTION Am) STEAM MACHINERY: On account of the hulls S£_*;*;;;&fgg;*`_ md and outfits of vessels and steam machinery of vessels heretotore and ‘