Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/248

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194 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 640. 1890. for repairinlg cob-dock, improvement of Whitney Basin, rebuilding sea-wall an dredging, one undred and twenty-five thousand dollars; for relaying water-pipes in the yard, fifteen thousand dollars. _ I¤•¤"°“"”“· NAvY-YARD, Lmeum ISLAND, PENNSYLVANIA: For rebuilding Broad street wharf, sixty thousand dollars ; and the sum of twenty- six thousand four hundred and sixteen dollars and forty cents appro- V<*·’¤»P-81*- riated by act of March second, eighteen hundred an eighty-nine, for landin wharf foot of Fifteenth street, is hereby transferred to the rebuilding of the Broad street wharf in addition to the sum appropriated by this act; for building and furnishing two officers’ quarters. ten thousand dollars ; for dredging and nllin(g in and paving and improvement of grounds, twenty-five thousan dollars ; for extending permanent sea-wall, twenty-five thousand dollars ; for the construction of a light retaining-wall}; twenty-ive thousand dollars. W¤***¤¤°°”· NAVY-YARD, WASHINGTON, Drsrmczr or COLUMBIA: For changing building number seven into an apartment house of three stories for additional quarters, ten thousand dollars ; for dredging and filling in, five thousand dollars. N¤*¤*· NAvY-YARD, N omronx, VIRGINIA: For completing railroad system, five thousand dollars; for completing water system, five thousand dollars; for completing approaches to timber dry-dock, ten thousand dollars; for extending machine-shop (for steam-engineen ing), five thousand dollars; for connecting new pumps with o d dry- dock, fifteen thousand dollars. Ponnoyal- COALING STATION, Pour RoYA1.. Sourn CAnoLmA: Toward ‘ the construction of a timber dry-dock or floating dock, at the coal- · ing station, Port Royal, South Carolina, in accordance with therecommendation of the commissions to report as to the most desirable location on or near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and · the South Atlantic coasts for navy-yards and dry-docks, two hundred thousand dollars. d£k_¤ ¢¤‘ ¤°•°*¤¢ And the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to make a contract or the construction of said timber dry-dock or goating dock, the cost not exceeding five hundred thousand dolrs. Kcywm NAVAL STATION, KEY Wmsr, FLom1>A: For changing location of railroad scale—house and pump-house, made necessary by new treasury buildings, one thousand ollars. ¤·¤¤I=¤¤¤¤- NAVY-YARD, MARE ISLAND, CALrr·onN1A : For bridge across sectional dock basin, two thousand dollars; for boat landings, three thousand dollars ; for building wagon-road towards cemetery and magazine, five thousand dollars ; for replanking wharves, five thousan dollars; for comtpleting electric-light plant, thirty thousand dollars ; for movin erry sli back, straightening sea-wall, and dredging, twenty thousand dollars; for completing repairs to sectiona dry-dock, fifteen thousand dollars. N¤*¤>¤<¤¤·~ NAVAL STATION, Naw LoN1>oN; For rebuilding the wharf, six thousand five hundred dollars. _,,{f"“°'*‘F*** "¥' LAUNCHING WAYS AND GRANITE Smrs AT Naw Yom; Ann 5;: dork ¤¤¤s1‘ii>·'i— NORFOLK NAVY-YARDS : For extending launching ways and makinialterations in granite slips, thirteen thousand ollars. B°¤•*¤· EPAIRS AND PRESERVATION AT NAvY·YAR1>s AND STATIONS :· For repairs and preservation at navy-yards and stations, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. msié; g§c_°°'“’°“‘°°" The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to sell, after adyertisement of the sale for such time as in his judgment the public s interests may require, condemned naval supplies, stores, and materials, either y public auction or by advertisment for sealed proposalsfor the purchase of the same. <><>¤¤¤¤¤¤*- CoNr1Nc1:Nr, BUREAU or- YARDS AND Docxs: For contingent expenses that may arise at navy·yards and stations, twenty t onsand dollars.