Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/247

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E1FtrY.r1Rs·r CONGRESS. sms. 1. cu. 640. 1890. 193 rope-walk, at one thousand eight hundred and seventy-Eve dollars; one clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk, at one iélgpuséirid three hundred dollars; one writer, at nine hundred and · dollars; Ilavy-yard, New York: For one clerk, at one thousand two hun- N"' Y°*‘*· dred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars ; one ylviater, at one thousand dollars; one store-keeper, at nine hundred o ars; hNavy3rard, llreaguedmlaiid, Pennsylvania: For one clerk, at one wwe Islandthousand wo un re dollars; Naiyy-ya;·(d,dNHrfolk, Xirginia: For two clerks, at one thousand N°'*°l*· two un r dollars eac ; Navy-yard, Mare Island, California: For one clerk, at one thou- M¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤<1- sand two hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; Navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: For one clerk, at w““°€°°¤· one thousand dollars; in all, nineteen thousand and twentyfdve dollars. And no other fund appropriated by this act shall be used in ayment for such service. gommomm, BUREAU or EQUIPMENT: For freight and transpor- contingent. tation of equipment and navigation stores, packing-boxes and materials, printing, advertisipg, telegraphing, books and models · postage on letters sent abro ; ferriage, ice, ighterage of ashes, and emergencies arising under cognizance of the Bureau of Equipment, amforeseen and impossible to classify, ten thousand dollars. BUREAU 0F YARDS AND DOCKS. ugvwsu ¤f Y¤·rd¤ MAINTENANCE or YARDS AND Docks: For general maintenance of mgg¤"¤¥ mmm yards and docks, namely: For freight; transportation of materials ` and stores; books, maps, models, an drawings; {purchase and repair of fire-engines; machinery; repairs on steam re-engines and attendance on the same; purchase and maintenance of oxen, horses, and driving teams; carts, timber-wheels, and all vehicles for use in the navy-yards; tools and repairs of the same; postage on letters and other mailable matter on public service sent to foreign countries, and telegrams; stationery; urniture for Government houses and offices in the navy-yards; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; cleaning and clearing up yards and care of buildings; attendance ·on fires, lights, fire-engines, and apparatus; for mci ental labor at navy-yards; water-tax, tolls, and` erriage; rent of four_officers’ quarters at Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniaqdpay of watchman in navy- rnnneupuu yards; awnings packing-boxes, and a_ vert1sing for yard and dock rand other purposes, two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. PUBLIC WORKS.—NAVY-YARDS AND s1•A·r1oNs. mrgmcamgzzgs sx tions. N - Pomsmovrn, NEW HAMPSHIRE: For_ increasing r mm ui. ..a£.".?.’..§.’31‘§-’j"..i.. thousand three mdr..d_...¤d fifty Mm, .0,..- ° °“ pleting hydrant system, six thousand and eighty dollars; for reconstructing buildings numbers forty-five and forty-six, destroyed by jire January twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety, at the United States navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for constructioii and liiepair, fifty thousand dollars, appropriation to be 1m- ' te. _ meld12d7g-);;;;, l%30STON, MASSACHUSETTS_! FOI' BBW 'boiler andpump- B<>S¤¤¤. ing machinery, taking down and resetting the end of granite dry - dock and putting in the necessary backing and drainage, fifty thou- SmNlA$(¥-;l;SiiD, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK: For extending railroad B¤>¤k!y¤· s stem and necessary rolling-stock, five thousand dollars ; for completing approaches to timber dry-dock, twenty-five thousand dollars; STAT L-von xxv1——13