Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2340

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123STA T . 232 0PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 200 9‘ ‘ (C)forthepu rpo s eofpro vid i ng re la ted voting ,b al - loting, and ele c tion infor m ation to absent uniformed serv- ices voters and overseas voters . ‘‘( 2 )C LARIF I C A T I ON R EG AR D ING P RO V I S ION OF MU LTIPLE MEANS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION. —AS tate ma y , in addi- tion to the means of electronic communication so designated, provide multiple means of electronic communication to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters, including a means of electronic communication for the appropriate j urisdic- tion of the State. ‘‘( 3 ) I NCLUSION OF DESIGNATED MEANS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION W IT H INFORMATIONAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS THAT ACCOMPAN YB ALLOTING MATERIALS.— E ach State shall include a means of electronic communication so designated w ith all informational and instructional materials that accompany balloting materials sent by the State to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters. ‘‘( 4 ) AVAILABILITY AND MAINTENANCE OF ONLINE REPOSITORY OF STATE CONTACT INFORMATION.— T he F ederal V oting Assist- ance P rogram of the D epartment of Defense shall maintain and ma k e available to the public an online repository of State contact information with respect to elections for Federal office, including the single State office designated under subsection (b) and the means of electronic communication designated under paragraph ( 1 ), to be used by absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters as a resource to send voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications to the appropriate jurisdiction in the State. ‘‘( 5 ) TRANSMISSION IF NO PREFERENCE INDICATED.—In the case where an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter does not designate a preference under subsection (a)( 6 )(C), the State shall transmit the voter registration application or absentee ballot application by any delivery method allowable in accordance with applicable State law, or if there is no applicable State law, by mail. ‘‘(6) SECURITY AND PRIVACY PROTECTIONS.— ‘‘(A) SECURITY PROTECTIONS.—To the e x tent prac- ticable, States shall ensure that the procedures established under subsection (a)(6) protect the security and integrity of the voter registration and absentee ballot application re q uest processes. ‘‘( B ) PRIVACY PROTECTIONS.—To the extent practicable, the procedures established under subsection (a)(6) shall ensure that the privacy of the identity and other personal data of an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter who requests or is sent a voter registration applica- tion or absentee ballot application under such subsection is protected throughout the process of making such request or being sent such application. ’ ’. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to the regularly scheduled general election for Federal office held in N ovember 2 0 10 and each succeeding election for Federal office. 42USC1973f f – 1 note.Public info rma tion.