Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2339

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123STA T . 231 9PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 09 SEC.576 . C LARIF ICA T I ON RE G AR D ING DELEGATION OF STATE RES P ONSI B ILITIES TO LOCAL JU RISDICTIONS. Nothing in th eU ni f o rm e da nd Ov er s eas C iti z ens Ab sentee V oting A c t (42 U .S .C. 1973 ffetse q . ) ma y be constr u ed to p rohibit a State from de l egating its responsibilities in carrying out the requirements of such Act , including any requirements imposed as a result of the provisions of and amendments made by this Act, to j urisdictions in the State. SEC. 577. ESTABLIS HM ENT OF PROCEDURES FOR ABSENT UNIFORMED SER V ICES VOTERS AND OVERSEAS VOTERS TO RE Q UEST AND FOR STATES TO SEND VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS AND ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATIONS B Y MAIL AND ELECTRONICALLY. (a) INGE NE RAL . — Section 1 0 2 of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff – 1) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) in paragraph (4), by stri k ing ‘ ‘and ’ ’ attheend

( B ) in paragraph ( 5 ), by striking the period at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and (C) by adding at the end the follo w ing new paragraph

‘‘( 6 ) in addition to any other method of registering to vote or applying for an absentee ballot in the State, establish proce - dures— ‘‘(A) for absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters to request by mail and electronically voter registra- tion applications and absentee ballot applications with respect to general, special, primary, and runoff elections for F ederal office in accordance with subsection (e); ‘‘(B) for States to send by mail and electronically (in accordance with the preferred method of transmission des- ignated by the absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter under subparagraph (C)) voter registration applica- tions and absentee ballot applications requested under subparagraph (A) in accordance with subsection (e); and ‘‘(C) by which the absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter can designate whether the voter prefers that such voter registration application or absentee ballot application be transmitted by mail or electronically.’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ‘‘(e) D E SIG NA T I O NO FM EANS OF E LE C TRONIC CO M M U NICATION FOR A B SENT UNIFORME D SER V ICES VOTERS AND OVERSEAS VOTERS T O R E Q UEST AND FOR STATES TO SEND VOTER REGISTRATION A P PLICATIONS AND ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATIONS, AND FOR OT H ER P URPOSES RELATED TO VOTING INFORMATION.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Each State shall, in addition to the designation of a single State office under subsection (b), des- ignate not less than 1 means of electronic communication— ‘‘(A) for use by absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters who wish to register to vote or vote in any jurisdiction in the State to request voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications under sub- section (a)(6); ‘‘(B) for use by States to send voter registration applica- tions and absentee ballot applications requested under such subsection; and 42USC1973f f – 1 note.