Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1312

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123STA T . 12 9 2 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 2009 ‘ ‘ (2)EVALU A TION.—Anevalu a tio n c on d ucted unde rp ara -g rap h ( 1 )(A) s hall— ‘‘(A) assess the progress o f the m anagement entit yw ith respect to— ‘‘(i) accomplishing the purposes of this title for the C orridor

and ‘‘(ii) achieving the goals and o bj ectives of the management plan for the Corridor; ‘‘( B ) analy z e the F ederal ,S tate, local, and private investments in the Corridor to determine the leverage and impact of the investments; and ‘‘(C) review the management structure, partnership relationships, and funding of the Corridor for purposes of identifying the critical components for sustainability of the Corridor. ‘‘( 3 ) REP O R T.— ‘‘(A) I N G ENERAL.—Based on the evaluation conducted under paragraph (1)(A), the Secretary shall prepare a report that includes recommendations for the future role of the N ational P ar k Service, if any, with respect to the Corridor. ‘‘(B) RE Q UIRE D ANAL YS IS.—If the report prepared under subparagraph (A) recommends that Federal funding for the Corridor be reauthorized, the report shall include an analysis of— ‘‘(i) ways in which Federal funding for the Corridor may be reduced or eliminated; and ‘‘(ii) the appropriate time period necessary to achieve the recommended reduction or elimination. ‘‘(C) SU BM ISSION TO C ONGRESS.— O n completion of the report, the Secretary shall submit the report to— ‘‘(i) the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate; and ‘‘(ii) the Committee on Natural Resources of the H ouse of Representatives. ’ ’. (c) AUT H ORI Z ATION O F APPROPRIATIONS.—Section 1 09 (a) of the Q uinebaug and Shetucket Rivers V alley National Heritage Corridor Act of 199 4 (1 6U .S.C. 461 note; Public L aw 103 – 449) is amended by striking ‘‘ $ 10,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$1 5 ,000,000’’. SEC.820 2. D E LAW A R EA N DLE HIG HNA T I O NAL HERITAGE CORRIDOR. T he D elaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Act of 19 8 8 (16 U.S.C. 461 note; Public Law 100–692) is amended— (1) in section 9— (A) by striking ‘‘The Commission’’ and inserting the following

‘‘(a) IN G ENERAL.—The Commission’’; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(b) CORPORATION AS LOCAL COORDINATING ENTITY.—Beginning on the date of enactment of the Omnibus Public Land M anagement Act of 2009, the Corporation shall be the local coordinating entity for the Corridor. ‘‘(c) IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT PLAN.—The Corporation shall assume the duties of the Commission for the implementation of the Plan. ‘‘(d) USE OF FUNDS.—The Corporation may use Federal funds made available under this Act— Ef f ectiv e da te .