Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1311

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123STA T . 12 9 1 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 2009 (B)befor e making an yd e t ermination w it h re sp e c tto the designation of the st u dy area , secure the concurrence of each manager with respect to each finding of the study . (c) DET E RMINA TI O N. — ( 1 ) I N G ENERA L .— T he S ecretary, in consu l tation with the G o v ernor of the State, shall review, comment on, and determine if the study area meets each re q uirement described in sub - section (b)( 2 ) for designation as a national heritage area. (2) R E P ORT.— ( A ) IN GENERAL.— N ot later than 3 fiscal years after the date on which funds are first made available to carry out the study, the Secretary shall submit a report describing the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study to— (i) the C ommittee on E nergy and Natural Resources of the Senate

and (ii) the Committee on Natural Resources of the H ouse of Representatives. (B) RE QU IREMENT S .— (i) IN GENERAL.—The report shall contain— (I) any comments that the Secretary has received from the Governor of the State relating to the designation of the study area as a national heritage area; and (II) a finding as to whether the study area meets each requirement described in subsection (b)(2) for designation as a national heritage area. (ii) DISAPPRO V AL.—If the Secretary determines that the study area does not meet any requirement described in subsection (b)(2) for designation as a national heritage area, the Secretary shall include in the report a description of each reason for the deter- mination. Subti t leC—Am e nd ment sR el a tin g t oN ational H e r itage Corridors SEC.8201 . QUIN E BA U G AN D S H E T UC K ET R I V ERS VA L LE Y NATI O NAL HERITAGE CORRIDOR. (a) TERMINATION O F AUT H ORIT Y .—Section 1 06 (b) of the Q uinebaug and Shetucket Rivers V alley National Heritage Corridor Actof1 9 9 4 (16 U .S.C. 461 note; P ublic L aw 103 – 449) is amended by striking ‘ ‘September 30, 2009 ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘September 30, 201 5 ’’. (b) EVALUATION; REPORT.—Section 106 of the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor Act of 1994 (16 U.S.C. 461 note; Public Law 103–449) is amended by adding at the end the following

‘‘(c) EVALUATION; REPORT.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 3 years before the date on which authority for F ederal funding terminates for the Cor- ridor, the Secretary shall— ‘‘(A) conduct an evaluation of the accomplishments of the Corridor; and ‘‘(B) prepare a report in accordance with paragraph (3).