Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/64

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north of the railway near Rossignol and Kedgemakoogee Lakes. It was here that the author heard a tale of a baby moose which swam out from shore to a canoe filled with hunters, and would have climbed over the side but for their protest. Gently, with a hand on its furry neck, the three-or four-day-old mooseling was towed back to the shore where the distraught mother was thrashing and stomping among the trees. When the calf was safely landed, the canoemen paddled off, and then the venturous infant would have put out again in the wake of its human friends if they had not shooed it back to its parent.

In this wild domain the beasts come sometimes to drink before the camper's door, too little acquainted with man's form to be wary of it.

Principal stations on the Intercolonial Railway for Nova Scotia hunting resorts are Amherst, Folleigh Lake, Londonderry, Truro, Halifax, Hopewell, Avondale, Pictou, Antigonish, River Denys (Cape Breton) and Sydney. The sections of which these towns are the pivot are especially rich in wild fowl, though big game is found in some favoured districts, particularly in Guysboro County. Caribou are taken in the Counties of Inverness and Victoria on the Island of Cape Breton. Inverness, terminus of the Inverness Railway, and Baddeck are entry points for a vast and unspoiled nature preserve.

In the environs of Arichat, Isle Madame, birch