Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/63

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It may be briefly mentioned that the chief districts for moose, caribou, deer, bear and small game in New Brunswick are reached from Campbellton, Jacquet River, Bathurst, Chatham, Newcastle (the Intercolonial main line station for the famous Northwest Miramichi big game country), Rogersville, Moncton, Hampton, St. John, Fredericton, Boiestown, Doaktown, Edmundston and Bonny River (the last on the C. P. Shore Line).

Principal starting-points in Nova Scotia, on the Dominion Atlantic Railway are Annapolis Royal (for the notable Kedgemakoogee and Liverpool Lakes region) , Windsor, Kentville, Middleton, Bear River (for cock), Weymouth and Brazil Lake (station for Kemptville). Outfitting headquarters of corresponding importance to huntsmen on the Halifax and Southwestern Railway are Tusket, Shelburne, Lockeport, Liverpool (for the prolific Rossignol district), Caledonia (on a spur of the trans-peninsula branch, Bridgewater—Middleton; this is another main gateway to camps and hunting-grounds in the Kedgemakoogee and Rossignol Lake territory), Hubbards and Chester (both in Halifax County, which, it is said, yields more moose per season than any Nova Scotia county, besides many other kinds of game). At Jordan Falls, on the way from Shelburne to Lockeport, an average of three moose a day was taken out between September 15th and October 7th, 1914, the game having been shot 6 to 20 miles