Page:The history of Tom Jones (1749 Volume 1).pdf/17

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Compliment of thinking I took it from myſelf. I care not: This they ſhall own, that the two Perſons from whom I have taken it, that is to ſay, two of the beſt and worthieſt Men in the World, are ſtrongly and zealouſly my Friends. I might be contented with this, and yet my Vanity will add a third to the Number; and him one of the greateſt and nobleſt, not only in his Rank, but in every public and private Virtue. But here whilſt my Gratitude for the princely Benefactions of the Duke of Bedford burſts from my Heart, you muſt forgive my reminding you, that it was you who firſt recommended me to the Notice of my Benefactor.
