Page:The history of Tom Jones (1749 Volume 1).pdf/16

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of the Time which I have employed in compoſing it: another Matter which is may be neceſſary to remind you of: ſince there are certain Actions of which you are apt to be extremely forgetful: but of theſe I hope I ſhall always have a better Memory than yourſelf.

Laſly, it is owing to you that the Hiſtory appears what it now is. If there be in this Work, as ſome have been pleaſed to ſay, a ſtronger Picture of a truly benevolent Mind than is to be found in any other, who that knows you, and a particular Acquaintance of yours, will doubt whence that Benevolence hath been copied? The World will not, I believe, make me theCom-