Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/99

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But if you insist on marrying for a home, investigate the opportunity carefully first, just as you would investigate buying a farm. Don't take too much for granted. Be sure that your admirer hasn't his eyes fixed chiefly on your little property.

Then, think of the men who have married for the sake of a home and have fallen into the hands of designing women.

For unmarried people who think it worth while to marry for a home and thus try to get along without romance in marriage, I would say that it is not unlike eating pancakes without syrup or cake without sweetening; but I suppose there are unhappy souls who are willing to take half a loaf rather than have no bread, or the form of marriage without its soul.

I question greatly whether marriage in such a case is really a marriage. It seems more like business—something commercial. Some people seem to be satisfied with shadows rather than reality. But it must be a very empty life that can be satisfied with a soulless marriage, that will give the body and oftentimes one's hard labor in exchange for a home. There may be extenuating circumstances.
