Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/98

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out in protection. Women want to be protected after they have been buffeted about a little by unfeeling people.

Of course, it is worth while to marry for a home if one gets the love and sympathy and understanding that go with our ideal of a perfect home; but can that always be counted on?

I know a woman who married again in order to get a home, and who now works out as a maid, while her husband is far away living his own life. I do not know how much he got of her money.

I have known of other women who married for a home, while the man they married thought chiefly of the woman's property. It is rather easy for a woman hungry for love to empty her pocketbook to a designing man.

Women who try marriage again for the sake of a home are apt to find it hard to get on with a man who wants all the comforts of life at the expense of her unremitting labor, who is apt to be selfish, and grouchy, and set in his ways.

I knew a woman who tried marriage out twice with men and who was compelled to divorce each one for good cause, and yet said, "It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." That is not my idea of happiness, and it is a very poor excuse for marriage.
