Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/75

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husband cannot buy you, unwilling to co-operate in building a home and future comforts, you have little to expect from marriage, except to make one, or many men, so miserable that they will curse you and marriage. You are not fitted to be the mate of a good person, for you would make him unhappy, nor fitted to be the mate of one like yourself, for he will be as impossible as you are and marriage will be impossible.

Do I seem hard? Well, very many marriages are failures, and one who expects to understand why they are failures must study the conditions back of unhappy marriages. Who expects sweetness from a lemon? If you want to be happy in marriage, you must realize that all happiness is a matter of character. If people cannot live with you happily now because of your impossible character, a husband will not be able to do so.

But very frankly I have the greatest belief in the possibility of your becoming whatever you desire to become. The condition of success is that you shall desire it strongly enough and persist in it day in and day out forever. You will meet with many defeats, but you will eventually win.

Now let us think of you as you really are in possibility, sweet, attractive, lovable, delightful in man-
