Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/74

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always be someone to exploit to get you what you want. He may become docile and kill himself with work to give you the things you demand, but no selfish person, and that means you, can ever expect to be happy. So if you are selfish, self-centered, hard, demanding all and giving as little as possible, you have nothing to expect of life until you change. Life has nothing to offer you. Real happiness is only for those who love others and find a joy in service.

Are you good-tempered? Or good-tempered only when everything happens the way you demand? Do you lose control of yourself at slight provocation?

Are you apt to nag?

Are you so critical that you make life miserable for ordinary human beings?

Are you sarcastic?

Are you blindly jealous?

Do you demand expensive attention and entertainment regardless of your sweetheart's ability or your husband's income?

Will you readily consent to deprivation in dress and homelife if the need arises?

Do you know from practical experience how much it costs to give you what you demand?

If you have a bad temper, little self-control, if you nag, if you are selfishly critical and sarcastic, unreasonably jealous, demanding things that your
