Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/164

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they are truly married. And especially when they are united as to spirit as well as to mere outward thoughts and feelings.

This view gives infinite comfort to those who have never married here. And also to those who have been unhappily married. According to Swedenborg we are all destined for a perfect marriage hereafter, whatever our experience of marriage or lack of it here, dependent of course upon our capacity to enter into such an ideal relationship.

Now what I look forward to is the education of people for marriage so that they will understand it beforehand, and will then try to understand their own nature and the nature of the person who interests them as a possible mate.

How much better it is to find out the true nature of the other person before one marries them than afterwards! It can be done in most cases. It is not necessary to go through the agony of an unhappy marriage to do so. If our ignorance were enlightened as to the true nature of marriage, as to ourselves and as to other people, we could avoid mistakes.

Why not set out definitely to bring about the education of young people for marriage?
