Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/163

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When you think of your father and mother or other loved ones in the other life, do you not think of them as married? Do you think that family relationships are broken up when all meet again in the hereafter? Of course, you believe that your father and mother continue married if they truly love each other and want to live together; otherwise not; they find their true mates.

And so you will find your true mate; possibly here; certainly hereafter. But does it not seem reasonable to think that we do not lose our sense of human relationships when we pass out of this life into the real world of the hereafter?

What is marriage? Is it not a union of two congenial people of the opposite sex, congenial in tastes and thoughts and feelings and aspirations? Is it not a union of true minds in a holy bond? Why should not such a bond be permanent if it is desired? Do we ever cease to be human beings, even if we live after death? It would be worth nothing at all to us to live after death without our loved ones.

Marriage is not mere physical union. That is the least part of it, even though so many seem to think that there is nothing else to it. When people are united by mutual tastes and thoughts and feelings and experiences and aspirations as man and wife
