Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/160

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I believe that each one of us has only one true mate in all the universe. We are like a piece of paper that has been torn to two parts, the man is one part and the woman the other. It is impossible for one to be truly and permanently happy until the two separated pieces come together and fit into each other. That is ideal marriage.

You may say that it is romantic. Such an agreement between man and woman is certainly ideal. Husband and wife should perfectly harmonize. They should be attuned to each other as two instruments that are mutually responsive. A so-called man, one of the masculine gender, is only half a race man. A woman is only half a true human unit. Together they make one complete human unit, a complete man of the race type.

And my belief is that there is only one man for any given woman, making when united the perfect unit.

I believe that somewhere each one has his or her perfect mate, or complementary self. We may never meet in this life; may never marry here; but I believe that sometime, somewhere, here or hereafter, we shall meet, and the two parts will be united into the perfect one.
