Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/159

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Of course, if people are not really married as to mind and spirit, and are too far apart ever to harmonic, such marriages are not to be lasting. In this world for many reasons they may continue, and ought to do so if it is possible for people to get on at all.

But the idea back of marriage is its lasting nature. People who enter into marriage should do so with the idea of living together until death parts them. Why? Because marriage ought to be based upon mutual regard and affection, and if people love each other as they ought to do before they marry they will normally want to live together as long as life lasts. The nature of love is to desire to be with the loved one forever.

Possibly there is not a great deal of that kind of love in the world, and yet that is the way people ought to feel about the matter normally. Marriage is based on that idea.
