Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/127

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cause of the fact that she had been an innocent victim of wrong.

There are numberless instances of innocent wrong-doing in one's early life.

But what shall we do in the case of a woman who has as a responsible person committed indiscretions as a girl or as a woman? She cannot think of herself as guiltless. There may have been many extenuating circumstances in her case to cause her to excuse herself.

Well, when it comes to a matter of condemnation of such a woman we cannot help but think of what Jesus did when the women taken in adultery was brought to Him for judgment. He said to the men who were anxious to stone her, "Let him that is without sin among you first cast a stone at her."

But should a woman tell her husband of her past indiscretions? It depends upon how great indiscretions the woman may have committed and how much they will affect the man.

Men as a rule do not tell of their indiscretions. Should a woman tell of hers? Men will say that there is a difference, that a woman who has committed indiscretions is thereby put into a different class.

In other words, the double standard has existed in the world from time immemorial, and men think
