Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/126

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We are all interested in seeing happy marriages take place and sometimes the failure of one party or the other to give necessary information about one's past life may cause a great deal of trouble after marriage. The question that is to be answered takes up this problem from one angle, and is of great interest: "Should a woman tell her fiance of her past indiscretions?"

We have plays and movies and novels that deal with this question in a variety of ways. I saw a movie recently in which the story hinges wholly upon the fact of a young girl who does not tell her fiance of her past. Actually the girl in question was innocent as to intentional wrong, having been a victim of a brutal man; but it nevertheless worked out that her very natural reluctance to spoil a brilliant and an otherwise happy marriage brought much suffering. Should she have told her fiance of her past? She no doubt justified herself for not doing so be-
