Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/123

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when their desires are gratified and when they are stroked the right way; but such people do not know what romance is.

And then there are people who are passionately romantic, whose words of endearment are poems in themselves, who think of the moon, and of moonlit waters, and love as strong as death, and jealousy as cruel as the grave. Many southern peoples, who live in tropical climates, are given up to such romanticism. Passion and romance make up their lives.

In the United States we are a little more sober, but nevertheless we have romantic people about us, not those who talk in poetry about their enamoratas who "walk in beauty like the night, Of cloudless climes and starry skies," but who nevertheless see their sweetheart's eyes as stars, her teeth as pearls, her lips as rubies, her smile as heaven.

As people grow older the hyperbole grows less strong; but they have imagination enough to realize the beauty of love and are able to sense the thrill of hearts that meet at the finger tips.

In answer to our question, "Do you believe that married people remain romantically in love?" I would say that those who are not romantic remain unromantic, and that those who are extravagantly romantic because of an exuberant imagination and passionate feelings probably do not remain romantic
