Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/122

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Now here comes along a little girl with a question who seems to be a pessimist. She has had a glimpse of the gloomy side of married life, perhaps, else how could she ask such questions as follow: "Do you believe that married people remain romantically in love? For example, when they see each other ungroomed? When poverty enters in? When they see so much of each other?"

These questions have been answered in actual life very happily; but they deserve consideration, and they are practical questions that everyone ought to ask himself or herself as to any particular person whom he or she contemplates as a married partner.

As to the first question, "Do you believe that married people remain romantically in love?"

In the first place, many people are not romantic when they marry. Some people are incapable of romance. I am sorry for them. They are sordid, animal-like. They have an animal-like contentment
