Page:The Music of the Spheres.djvu/342

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strata, 292, 293
fossils, 293
shadow, 294
night, 295
Earth, ancient center of, 17
ancient geography, 18, 19
Earth and moon system, 285, 297, 298
Eclipse, sun, 215, 216, 217, 219
total, 219, 220, 221
annular, 219
partial, 219
ancient fear of, 222
ancient beliefs: Chinese, 224, 225
Chaldean, 222
European, 224
Grecian, 225
Hindu, 224
Peruvian, 224
Scandinavian, 224
Egypt, 157, 160, 161, 162
fable, 94
temples, 96, 160
Electra, 188
Ell and Yard, 176
Elysian Fields, 25
Emerson, 7, 272
Enceladus, 276
Encke's comet, 237
Enif, 74, 78, 130
Epimetheus, 132
Erechtheus, 137
Eridanus, constellation, 29, 173, 174, 193
Legend, 28, 124, 125, 174
Eros, planetoid, 234, 235
Eskimo Legend, 176 Etanin, 110
Ethiopian Legend, 56
Eudora, 184
Eudoxus, 18, 104, 199
Europa, 182
Europa, Jupiter's satellite, 257, 258
Euryale, 172
Eurydice, 25, 116, 119, 120
Eurystheus, 48, 88
Evening Star, 48, 151, 247
Eye of the Bull, 185

Fates, Three, 26, 30, 103, 151
Fish, The, 157, 158
Fish's Mouth Star, 157
Fishes, Age of, 293
Flammarion, 210, 220
Flying Eagle, 127, 128
Flying Horse, 30, 59, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
Forethought, 132
Forgetfulness, River of, 25
Formalhaut, 127, 145, 146, 157, 159, 192
French Legend, 201
Freya's Day, 269
Frigga's Spinning Wheat, 176
Frost, 39

Galaxy, 72, 146, 206, 207
Galileo, 15, 92, 205, 216, 218, 249, 257, 274, 303
Galilean Quartet, 257
Galle, 283
Ganymede, 24, 128
Ganymede, Jupiter's satellite, 257, 258
Garden of Darkness, 48
Garden of the Hesperides, 48, 68, 107
Gaseous nebulæ, 180
Gassendi, lunar crater, 312
Gate of Men, 92
Gemini, constellation, 194, 195, 231
Castor, 194, 195
Pollux, 194, 195
Cluster, 195
Legend, 193, 194
German Legends, 39, 176, 205
Germanic divinities, 268
Giant's Belt, 15, 176
Giant's Eyes, 196
Giant's War, 21, 49
Goblet of Apollo, 136
Golden Age, 23, 148
Golden Fleece, 49, 85, 131, 193
Golden Grains, 176
Golden Yard, 176
Gorgons, Three, 30
Graces, Three, 30
Grave of Curiosity, 201
Gravitation, 13, 226, 283, 298
Gray stars, 177, 195
Great Bear, 34, 42, 139
Great Dog, 160, 164, 180
Great Square, 74, 75, 78
Grecian temples, 17, 153
Greek and Roman names of divinities, 31
Green stars, 90, 111, 122, 155, 194
Grimaldi, lunar crater, 312
Grove of Mars, 49
Guardian of the Stars, 48
Guards, 41, 42, 49
Gulf of Dews, 303

Hagar, 47
Hale, 172
Hall, 267
Halley, 98, 163, 236
comet, 236
Hans-on-the-Middle-Horse, 39
Hare, The, 164, 181
Harp of Orpheus, 113, 120, 121
