Page:The Music of the Spheres.djvu/341

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density, 238
composition, 239
orbits, 237
revolution, 236
speed, 238
disintegration, 240
planetary influence, 237
origin, 240
Donati's comet, 238
Encke's comet, 237
Halley's comet, 236
Comet of 1811, 237, 238
of 1843, 238
of 1858, 237
of 1860, 238
of 1882, 238
Comstock, 242
Conon, 95
Constellations, 4, 12, 29, 39, 163
Legends, 71
Copernicus, 15, 198, 248, 257
Copernicus, lunar crater, 311, 312
Cor Carolli, 97, 98
Cor Hydræ, 135
Cor Leonis, 89
Corona, of sun, 215, 216, 217, 221
Corona Borealis, constellation, 29, 101, 102, 103, 104, 111, 113
Coroinds, 104
Legends, 102, 103
Coronis, 184
Corvus, constellation, 127, 136
Legend, 137
Crab, The, 29, 91, 92, 106
Crape Ring, 272
Crater, constellation, 127, 136
Legends, 136, 137
Crow, The, 136, 137
Crystal Spheres, 4, 18, 198, 199
Cubit, 167
Cup, The, 136, 137
Cup of Achilles, 136
Cup of Hercules, 136
Cup of Medea, 136
Cupid, 26, 150, 158
Cupid's Arrow, 129
Cyclops, 19, 21, 169
Cycnus, 125
Cygnus, constellation, 29, 88, 115, 120, 121, 122, 124, 128
Albireo, 115, 122, 124, 125
Deneb, 115, 122
61 Cygni, 122, 134
Coal-sack, 122
Legend, 125

Dædalus, 102
Danae, 66, 68
Danaides, 119
Dark Ages, 11
Dark nebulæ, 122, 157, 178, 208
Dark Sign, 107
Dark Stars, 61, 64, 122
Darkness, God of, 19
David's Chariot, 38
Dawn, Goddess of, 27, 77
Day Star, 211
Dead, King of, 126
Declination, 177
De Greer, 291
Deimos, 32, 268
Delphi, 17
Delphinus, constellation, 25, 29, 74, 84, 129, 158
Legend, 25, 130, 131
Demeter, 149
De Mornay, 190
Deneb, 115, 122
Denebola, 90
Diana, 28, 168, 170, 183, 268
Diana's Arrow, 176
Diana's Hound, 180
Dippers, Big, Little, Milk, Pleiades, 186
Big, 8, 37, 38, 39, 45
Little, 8, 40, 45
Milk, 133, 186
Dipper of the Pleiades, 186
Dione, 276
Discord, 32
Doe's Leaps, 42
Doerfel, lunar mountains, 304
Dog-days, 160
Dog Star, 160, 191
Dolphin, 35, 74, 84, 130, 131, 158
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, 316
Donati's comet, 238
Double cluster, 65
Double-double, 115, 195
Double stars, 62, 90, 98, 115, 122, 135, 140, 147, 149, 155, 164, 177, 195
Douglas, 225
Draco, constellation, 5, 8, 29, 48, 51, 192
Legends, 48, 49, 105, 107
Dragon's Eyes, 110
Dubhe, 40
Dryden, 23

Earth, 228, 260, 270, 285
reeling motion, 50
revolution, 227
orbit, 15, 294
rotation, 294
axis, 294
diameter, 229, 285
age, 285
movement of crust, 291
surface features, 287, 288, 290, 292
