Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/99

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The doctor fell over backwards, caught himself on his left hand, held his right hand up, and said to Boston Charley : "Boston, don't shoot me any more. I have got my death wound ; .1 will die anyway." Boston said: "Oh! you debel, you bleave squaw. Now bleave squaw, now I guess, eh?" Thomas says: "Yes, yes, I believe her; she told the truth." Boston pushed Thomas over on his back and asked him why God didn't help him. Thomas covered his face with both hands and died with these words on his lips : "Oh, Lord, have mercy on my poor sinful soul." Meacham was shot about the same instant that Canby and Thomas was, by Schonchin. His aim was good, but Tobey sprung to her feet and struck Schon- chin's pistol to one side. Meacham was hit in the left shoul- der the first shot. Tobey was right side of Schonchin, striking his arm, and then his back. Schonchin could not get a good aim at Meacham, Tobey bothered so. She was saying : "Spare his life; he is your friend. He is the only one that believed me when I told him about what you men are doing now." She finally struck Schonchin in the breast, knocking him down. Schonchin said : "Beware, woman, I may forget that you are a woman." Tobey said : "Kill me if you want to, you coward." Finally Meacham fell to the ground, shot seven times, but none of the wounds were real serious.

Frank Riddle and Dyar both jumped right out on a run for their lives when Capt. Jack's pistol misfired. When the first shot was fired both Shaknasty Jim and Boncho came running up with three or four rifles apiece. Shaknasty Jim dropped all the guns but one, took after Frank Riddle, fired his rifle at him, emptied his revolver at him, and chased him about three hundred yards and gave up. Riddle was too fast for him. Hooker Jim ran Dyar about four hundred yards, shot several times at him, but did not hit him. Dyar beat him farther and farther. Jim gave him up and returned to the council tent. The Indians stripped their victims of all their clothes except the underclothes. Tobey fought to pre- vent the Indians from taking Col. Meacham's clothes, so they only took his two coats and vest. Capt. Jack got Canby's uniform and sword. Boston Charley, Dr. Thomas' gray suit.

2Eh means "you" in Modoc.